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SME Support

SME Retail Service Excellence Award 零售中小企 優質服務獎

There will be about 100 participating SME retailers who will be accessed through “Mystery Shoppers Programme” (MSP) for 6 months. Participating SME retailers will be divided into 4 to 6 categories according to their business nature. Awards, including “Category Award” and “Outstanding Performance Award”, will be presented to SME retailers with outstanding performance in customer service.

以「神秘顧客計劃」作為評核工具,為大約100間參賽的中小企零售商檢視顧客服務水平,計劃將按參賽公司的行業分為4至6個組別,進 行6個月的評審,並嘉許表現出色的中小企零售商,頒發「組別」及「卓越表現獎」。

Experiential Learning 體驗式學習

The Association will introduce 14 retails workshops to about 350 retail frontline practitioners. The workshops provide practical training in sales and marketing, customer service and store operations. The workshops are accredited as Qualifications Framework Level 3 by the Hong Kong Council of Accreditation and Vocational Qualifications. The Association will also organize 4 retail talks and 2 company visits, which provide the latest information of government regulations and learning platform, to retail management and practitioner.

協會將舉辦14個零售工作坊,為約350名前線從業員提供實用的銷售技巧、顧客服務及管理知識課程。課程已獲香港學術及職業資歷評審局 認可為資歷架構第三級別。此外,協會亦會舉辦4個零售講座及2個公司考察團,為中小企零售同業提供政府最新法例資訊及學習平台。

Case Learning and On-going Sharing 個案學習與分享

The Association will invite the winners of “Retail Service Excellence Award” to share their stories through newspaper supplement, case learning video and website. It provides opportunities for SME retailers to learn from winning SMEs’ success, and to reinforce the importance of service excellence in driving business through mass media.

協會將會邀請「零售中小企 優質服務獎」得獎公司,透過報章、短片及網站分享他們的故事,讓中小企零售商有機會透過大眾傳媒渠道 學習得獎同業的成功要訣,進一步加強推廣優質服務是企業成功的重要因素。

協會自2010年起,連續獲工業貿易署「中小企業發 展支援基金」資助,為中小企零售商提供多元化的 支援活動。延續過去三年取得的顯著成效,協會再 度獲得署方資助,於2014年1月至2015年3月開展 第四期計劃,促進業界長遠發展。協會將透過三大 範疇包括「優質服務獎」、「個案學習與分享」及 「體驗式學習」,提升他們的專業知識、服務水平 及競爭力。

HKRMA was consecutively funded by the Trade and Industry Department (TID) “SME Development Fund” since 2010 to launch various supporting programmes to retailers of small and medium enterprise (SME). Clinched the tremendous resul t s of the programmes in past three year s, the Association was granted again by TID to start the fourth phase supporting programmes from January 2014 to March 2015. The Programme aims at enhancing knowledge, quality of service and competitiveness of SME retailers through “SME Service Excellence Award”, “Case Learning and On-going Sharing” and “Experiential Learning”.

The Fourth Phase of SME Retail Supporting Programmes

has commenced (January 2014 - March 2015)

第四期零售中小企發展支援計劃正式展開 2014 1 月至 2015 3 月)

"Brand Management and Communication: Vision, Leadership and Strategy"


Prominent speakers are invited to share their theories and secrets of success on brand management and shed light on the future trends. Topics include brand organization and brand leadership, challenges and strategy of establishing a brand etc.

由著名嘉賓講者分享成功的理念及秘笈,讓中小企零售商進一步掌握品牌管理的要訣及未來發展趨勢,主題包括品牌組織與品牌領 導、創建品牌的策略及挑戰等。

Date 日期 25 March 2014 (Tuesday) 2014年3月25日(星期二)

Time 時間 2:30 - 5:30pm 下午2:30 – 5:30

Venue 地點 Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building (78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong)


Kick-off - SME Retail Conference 揭幕禮 - 中小企零售研討會



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