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Highlights of the Government's business facilitation work and business consultations relevant to the retail sector



政府致力為本港建立更利便營商的環境,積極推行各 項方便營商措施,包括在方便營商諮詢委員會(方諮會) 轄下成立批發及零售業工作小組(工作小組),以助把批 發及零售業所關注的不必要規管障礙一一消除,並提 供溝通平台,利便政府與業界就規管建議交換意見。 為了讓業界獲悉最新資訊,財政司司長辦公室轄下的 經濟分析及方便營商處與香港零售管理協會攜手合 作,定期重點介紹政府的方便營商措施及相關的營商 諮詢。上一期資訊詳載於二零一三年春季期刊


(1) 劃一食物業牌照/許可證收費

食物環境生署(食環署)已把市區與新界的食物業牌照/ 許可證收費劃一。凡市區與新界的牌照或許可證收費 不同,概以較低者為準。這項措施可降低食物零售業 的遵規成本。

措施詳情見食環署網頁,網址如下: align_appendix_c.pdf

(2) 《「不要鎢絲燈泡」節能約章》

由於鎢絲燈泡靠鎢絲發熱而發光,僅一成電力用於照 明,能源效益極低。政府最初考慮立法限制鎢絲燈泡 的供應,但在諮詢相關持份者後,改為與業界攜手推 出《「不要鎢絲燈泡」節能約章》計劃,鼓勵業界自 願減少供應鎢絲燈泡。簽署節能約章的供應商及零售 商承諾停止補充指定的鎢絲燈泡,並會在二零一三年 十二月三十一日起停止銷售指定的鎢絲燈泡。工作小 組對此表示歡迎。

為鼓勵市民選用更具能源效益的替代品,政府加強了 公眾教育,透過電視台、電台、單張及專題網站,提 供更多相關的資訊。

約章計劃有助推動香港成為節能低碳的城市,是官商 民羣策羣力的典範。

計劃詳情見以下網址: lb/tc/home/ index.html.


The Government is committed to improving the ease of doing business in Hong Kong. As part of its business facilitation efforts, the Government has set up the Wholesale and Retail Task Force (WRTF) under the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee (BFAC) to help remove unnecessary regulatory barriers of concern to the wholesale and retail sectors and provide a platform to facilitate Government-business communication on relevant regulatory proposals. To keep you updated of the Government’s business facilitation initiatives and relevant business consultations, the Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit (EABFU) of the Financial Secretary’s Office collaborates with HKRMA to provide you with regular updates. The last update was made in the Spring 2013 Issue.

Business facilitation initiative

(1) Alignment of food business licence/permit fees

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has aligned the fees of food business licences/permits in the urban areas and the New Territories. Where the fee for a licence or permit differs between the urban areas and the New Territories, the lower rate prevails. This initiative reduces the compliance costs of the food retail trade.

You may refer to the FEHD website for details via e.pdf

(2) Energy Saving Charter on No Incandescent Light Bulbs (ILBs)

As ILBs work by heating up a tungsten filament, only 10 per cent of electricity consumption is used for lighting, making them very energy-inefficient. Initially, the Government considered restricting the supply of ILBs through legislation. Having consulted all the stakeholders concerned, the Government now launches a Charter Scheme with the trade to reduce the supply of ILBs voluntarily instead. Signatories to the charter pledge not to replenish their stocks of targeted ILBs and not to sell targeted ILBs from December 31 2013. WRTF welcomes this approach.

To encourage the public to choose energy-efficient replacements, the Government has stepped up public education through TV and radio, leaflets and a thematic website.

The Charter Scheme is a good example of the collaboration between the Government, businesses and society to help Hong Kong to become an energy-efficient and low carbon city.

You may refer to this website for details:

Industry News


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