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(1) 營商諮詢電子平台 Android 版本手機應用程式現 已推出

經濟分析及方便營商處自去年十一月在iPhone平台推 出“營商諮詢電子平台"流動應用程式後,最近也 在Android平台推出該程式。商界與其他持份者可利 用這個新闢途徑,隨時隨地查閱政府的規管建議及 相關諮詢資料,並可提出意見。只須在i Phone App Store搜尋“諮詢"一詞,或在Google Play Store搜尋 “eabfu"字串,即可免費下載該應用程式使用。

(2) 戶外燈光專責小組 — 持份者與公眾參與活動

由環境局成立的戶外燈光專責小組(專責小組)就處理 戶外燈光所引致的滋擾和能源浪費問題的研究結果以 及擬議關燈規定,向工作小組作出簡報。工作小組原 則上支持擬議規管,但強調必須在提供安睡環境予市 民以及業界期望爭取最大廣告效益之間取得平衡。此 外,工作小組也向專責小組提出了建設性的意見,例 如建議在節日期間延長戶外燈光豁免管制的時限。專 責小組會就如何適當規管戶外燈光向政府提交具體建 議之前,慎重考慮持份者及公眾的意見。


(3) 《獲授權毒藥銷售商執業守則》 ( 《守則》 )

藥劑業及毒藥管理局(管理局)已展開為期三個月的諮 詢,收集相關持份者對《守則》修訂擬本的意見,務 求守則擬本切實可行,並能有效地確保所有獲授權毒 藥銷售商(即「藥房」)的執業水平。工作小組贊同修 訂擬本的內容,並向管理局提出意見,請其考慮可否 在不損害公眾健康的前提下,放寬對洗滌盆、雪櫃及 即場配藥所用器具的規定。

《守則》擬本內容見以下網址: Chi_draft_v2.pdf。

Business consultations

(1) Business Consultation e-Platform launched on Android platform

EABFU has recently released a “Business Consultation e-Platform” mobile application on the Android platform, to add to the one launched on the iPhone platform in November last year. These Apps provide the business community and other stakeholders with an additional channel to access the Government’s regulatory proposals and related consultation information, as well as a means of offering their views and comments, anytime and anywhere. They are available for free download by searching for “consultation” on the iPhone App Store and “eabfu” on the the Google Play Store.

(2) Task Force on External Lighting – Stakeholders and Public Engagement Exercise

The Task Force on Ex ternal L ight ing (the Task Force) set up by the Environment Bureau briefed WRTF on its findings and proposed switching-off requirement to tackle nuisance and energy wastage problems caused by external lighting. While WRTF supports the proposed regulation in principle, it emphasises that a balance must be struck between giving residents an environment conducive to sleep and the trade’s wish to maximise adver tisement exposure. WRTF also provides constructive comments to the Task Force including the suggestion of a longer exemption period for festive lighting. The Task Force will give careful consideration to comments received from the stakeholders and public before drawing up recommendations for the Government to consider.

You may refer to this website for the public engagement document:

(3) Code of Practice (CoP) for Authorised Seller of Poisons (ASPs)

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong (PPB) has launched a consultation exercise to collect views from stakeholders on the draft revised CoP for ASPs, with a view to ensuring that the draft Code is practicable and effective in assuring the standard of practice for all ASPs (that is “pharmacies”). WRTF supports the draft revised CoP and has provided comments to the PPB for their consideration whether there is room to relax the requirements on water sinks, refrigerators and apparatus for extemporaneous dispensing for pharmacies without compromising public health.

You may refer to this website for the draft CoP:

Information is provided by the Business Facilitation Division of the Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit under the Financial Secretary's Office. 資料由財政司司長辦公室轄下的經濟分析及方便營商處方便營商部提供。



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