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香港零售管理協會一年一度的周年晚會暨頒獎典禮,是 零售同業聚首一堂,慶祝碩果豐收的一年,同時展望來 年發展更豐盛。2013年對協會的意義重大,是協會成 立三十周年誌慶。協會於2013年12月5日假香港會議展 覽中心大禮堂舉行三十周年晚會暨頒獎典禮。當晚獲逾 1,400位嘉賓,包括政府官員、業界翹楚、商會及專業團 體領袖、以及零售業前線員工蒞臨,場面盛大。

當晚各嘉賓及協會執委成員由銀樂隊帶領進場,為晚會 揭開序幕。協會榮幸獲財政司司長曾俊華先生蒞臨擔任 主禮嘉賓。曾俊華先生恭賀香港零售管理協會成立30周 年,並肯定了零售業對香港經濟發展擔當著舉足輕重的 角色,他表示政府將繼續支持零售業的長遠健康發展,

Highlights on 30 th Anniversary Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony

三十周年晚會暨頒獎典禮 2013

The Annual Ball of HKRMA is an occasion for retailers to gather around to wave goodbye to a year while celebrating another good year to come. This year, there is one special meaning added to the Annual Ball – to celebrate the 30 th Anniversary of HKRMA. On 5 December, 2013, over 1,400 guests including government officials, industry leaders, executives of trade associations and professional bodies, and retail frontline staff, gathered at the Grand Hall of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre for the 30 th Anniversary Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony.

The Anniversary Ball started with a spectacular performance of the Marching Band, leading the entrance of our honourable guests and members of the Executive Committee. Our Guest of Honour, Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary, then delivered a speech and congratulated on the 30 th Anniversary of HKRMA. He highlighted the contribution of retail

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