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協會主席麥瑞琼女士感謝在場各同業的出席和 支持,並匯報了協會去年多項成就。在這重要 的日子,協會感謝創會主席古勝祥先生、前批 發及零售界功能組別議員周梁淑怡女士,以及 現屆批發及零售界功能組別議員方剛先生對零 售業的貢獻,並由曾俊華先生向三位頒發榮譽 會士的榮銜,獲全場零售同業致敬。

Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association, thanked all the guests for their presence on this joyous occasion and gave a recap on HKRMA's achievements in the past year. To mark this special occasion, the Association awarded the title of "Honorary Fellowship" to three distinguished figures of the retail trade for their significant contribution. They are Mr. Daniel Koo, founding Chairman of HKRMA, Mrs. Selina Chow, the first Legislative Councillor representing the Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency, and Mr. Vincent Fang, the Legislative Councillor representing the trade since 2004. The Association is most thankful for Mr. John Tsang accepting to confer the fellowship at the Annual Ball.


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