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The 2014 Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 9 December, 2014, at the Grand Hall of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, with about some 1,500 guests including government officials, legislators, industry leaders, executives of trade associations and professional bodies, and retail frontline staff, gathered to share their joy and happiness in the past year.

During her opening remarks, Ms. Caroline Mak, JP, Chairman of the Association, thanked the guests for their presence and gave a recap on HKRMA’s achievements in the past year. She also talked about the challenges and opportunities of the retail industry lying ahead. Mr. Gregory So Kam-leung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, was the Guest of Honour of the event. In his speech, Mr. So commended the contribution of the retail trade in the past year, he also shed light on the Government’s staunch support to the retail industry for its further development.

The winning companies of the “2014 Service Retailers of the Year” under the Mystery Shoppers Programme and winners of the “2014 Service & Courtesy Award” were delighted to receive their awards on stage, as their hard work was recognized and appreciated by the trade.

The Annual Ball was themed on the energetic attributes of our retail talents. With the rock band per formances by our members, the atmosphere of the event was lifted to its highest. Following their outstanding performance, Supper Moment, a popular local band, was invited to bring to the audience their greatest hits, rousing many guests to sing along and cheer for their great show.

香港零售管理協會周年晚會暨頒獎典禮於 2014年12月9日假香港會議展覽中心大禮堂成 功舉行。當晚獲約1,500位嘉賓,包括政府官 員、立法會議員、業界翹楚、商會及專業團體 領袖、以及零售業前線員工蒞臨,盛況空前。

協會主席麥瑞琼女士感謝在場各同業的出席和 支持,並分享協會去年多項成就,她亦提到未 來零售業將面對的困境與挑戰。 商務及經濟 發展局局長蘇錦樑先生擔任當晚大會的主禮嘉 賓,他讚揚零售業過去一年的貢獻,並講述政 府大力支持零售業長遠發展的各項措施。

協會藉此周年晚會頒發了2014年度「神秘顧 客計劃 - 最佳服務零售商」以及「傑出服務 獎」各獎項。得獎機構及得獎者喜見自己的努 力獲得認同,在業界同儕的一片掌聲和歡呼聲 中上台接受嘉許。

今年的周年晚會以零售業的活力朝氣為主題。 當晚,一眾會員以搖滾樂隊形式演出助慶, 將現場的氣氛推到最高點。 大會更邀請了本 地著名樂隊 Supper Moment 獻唱流行名曲, 全場氣氛熾烈,最後更全場一起大合唱。

Cover Story

Highlights of 2014 Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony

香港零售管理協會周年晚會暨頒獎典禮 2014

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