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中小企零售商指引 -《零售攻略2》

《零售攻略2》集結了多間中小企零售商的實戰 經驗,以及營運心得,向業界分享更多更新的零 售管理智慧。

SME Retail Guidebook – Series II

The guidebook is a resourceful reference for SME retailers which they can obtain practical knowl edge in di f ferent aspec t s of retai l operation and learn valuable experiences of their counterparts.

Newspaper Articles

Featured ar ticles cover ing case studies of different retail businesses and useful tips are placed on major newspapers for sharing.

SMEs Web Portal

A SME Retailers Web Portal has been set up for knowledge sharing.

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協會將於2012年4月26日舉辦中小企零售商開放日,目的為 業界提供最新的資訊及相關服務。 當日有不同的展覽商展 示產品和介紹服務,並設有6場研討會,環繞不同主題,包 括顧客服務、數碼市場推廣、人力資源管理、商品展示及櫥 窗設計技巧,及如何透過企業社會責任提升競爭力等市場資 訊及有效的發展策略。

協會將繼續秉承支援中小企的使命,一系列的支援活動將於 本年度推行。 如欲了解詳情,請致電2866 8311。

SMEs Open Day

A SMEs Open Day will be held on 26 April 2012. The one-day event will feature an exhibition showcasing latest market trends and technology for SME retailers. There wi l l be s i x seminar s on topics of cus tomer ser vice, digital marketing, human resource, visual merchandising and corporate social responsibility.

The Association will continue its initiatives in supporting SME retailers and a series of activities will be launched in 2012. To get latest information on the events, please contact us at 2866 8311.

Upcoming Event



透過報章專欄 刊登中小企零售商的成功個案及致勝錦囊,與香港眾多中小 企分享營運智慧。


中小企零售商網頁的設立,為中小企零 售商提供各項活動及一站式網上服務資 訊,並把成功個案透過互聯網分享,令 更多零售同業受惠。



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