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Session I "Brand Innovation in the Dynamic World"

第一節 品牌創新迎幻變

Building Strong Brands: The Seven Essential Drivers 打造卓越品牌的七大推手

Professor Leo Sin

Department of Marketing and Director of MSc Program in Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港中文大學 市場學教授及市場學碩士課程主任 冼日明教授

品牌是企業具競爭價值的資產,但如何建立一個卓越品牌,很多企業 卻往往感到無從入手。身兼上午討論環節主持人的冼日明教授,率先 向與會者分享打造卓越品牌的重要元素。冼教授於過去一年訪問了 十一個不同產業的十八個,具競爭力的本土企業品牌,並歸納出成功 品牌的七大重要元素,包括高質素的產品、優秀的品牌DNA、清晰的 品牌定位、完善的價值創造與傳遞系統、有效的整合式品牌營銷傳 播、持續創新的能力,以及CEO的祝福及參與。冼教授認為集合這七 大要點有助提升品牌價值,令企業在競爭中取得優勢。

A brand is an asset crucial for a company's competitiveness but building a successful brand is never easy. Professor Sin, speaker and moderator of Session I, shared his insights in building a strong brand. After visiting 18 renowned local brands from 11 industries last year, he concluded seven key elements of a successful brand, including quality products, outstanding brand DNA, clear brand positioning, a complete value creation and transmission system, effective integrated marketing strategy, constant innovation and participation of CEO. He believed that these seven keys could help boost brand value and competitiveness.

Transformation & Innovation – Promises over Hundred Years 百年承諾.創意革新

Ms. Maria Ng

Managing Director, Kuoni Travel (China) Ltd

Kuoni 勝景遊 執行董事 吳玉燕女士

對於推動品牌革新,吳玉燕女士強調,隨著時代進步,以及現今顧客 行為及消費模式等各方面有重大轉變,任何企業應要與時並進,絕不 能因為擁有悠久歷史而固步自封。 吳女士分享Kuoni勝景遊於2008年 起進行品牌革新,秉承一貫以來的品牌概念重新定位,確立企業的品 牌價值,以創造『完美時刻』為核心,一方面承傳百年智慧之道,另 一方面則鼓勵員工持續學習,不斷創新,並透過不同媒介向顧客發放 多元旅遊資訊,以開創別樹一格的旅遊領域,樹立其優質旅遊品牌的 路線和地位。

Ms. Ng stressed that a company should never be complacent of its long history and should promote brand innovation according to the significant changes in consumer behaviour and consumption pattern. Kuoni Travel has initiated a series of reforms since 2008 to reposition its brand and establish its brand value. With the idea of creating "perfect moments" as the core, it has honoured its century-old wisdom and encouraged its people to learn and innovate. By sharing diversified travel information via different media, it has established itself as an unique quality brand.

The Evolving 75 Years 堅持.創新七十五年

Mr. Karlson Wong

Executive Director, Kee Wah Bakery Limited

奇華餅家 執行董事 黃嘉信先生

黃嘉信先生指出傳統品牌,在力求創新之餘,亦必須保留固有的品牌 特質,以傳承經典,確保在擴大客源的同時,亦可留住舊客。然而, 如何在保留傳統與創新求變之間取得平衡,對企業是一項大挑戰。黃 先生分享了他多年來對奇華餅家所推行的一連串改革,成功將品牌定 位為『香港手信』。 黃先生在革新品牌前,詳細分析其品牌的核心 價值及市場趨勢,結論出產品質素及提升品牌價值同樣重要。 他堅 持產品質素及保留品牌作為嫁娶禮餅這市場定位的同時,加入了不少 創新元素,例如為包裝及店鋪換新裝,為產品研發天然成份,及加強 與年輕消費者雙向溝通的渠道等,成功將奇華打造成迎合潮流的時尚 品牌。

Mr. Wong pointed out that traditional brands should maintain their DNA while striving for innovation, so as to retain existing customers and attract new customers. However, striking a balance between the two is challenging. He introduced the reforms he initiated over the years to transform Kee Wah Bakery into "the souvenir representing Hong Kong". Before the reform, he analyzed the brand's core value and the market trend in depth and concluded that product quality and brand value are of equal importance. While Mr. Wong maintained Kee Wah's position in traditional Chinese bridal cake market with exceptional quality, he brought in some innovative ideas, such as redesigning the stores and packaging, developing natural ingredients and extending its reach to young customers, successfully turning Kee Wah into a modern brand.

主題介紹 Opening Introduction

主講一 Presentation 1

主講二 Presentation 2


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