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Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association, noted in her welcome speech that sharing experience and management wisdom will benefit the long-term development of the retail industry and she was pleased with the development of the Conference from a retail forum into a key platform in the industry. Celebrating the 30 th anniversary of the Association, Ms. Mak thanked all retail practitioners for their commitment and contribution to the robust growth of the Association and the industry. She hoped that the industry could continue to work together and enhance service quality and competitiveness, maintaining Hong Kong's leadership globally.

The Association would like to take this opportunity to thank the speakers, moderator and all participants for their support.

協會主席麥瑞琼女士於致開幕詞時表示,經驗分享及傳授管 理智慧,有助業界長遠發展,並對研討會的規模不斷擴展, 成為業界觸目的研討平台而深感欣慰。今年是協會成立30周 年誌慶,麥女士感謝同業及各零售從業員的投入和貢獻,使 協會及零售業能並肩茁壯成長。她希望業界能攜手同心,繼 續共同努力提升服務質素和競爭力,鞏固香港的國際地位。

協會藉此感謝各位零售精英翹楚,百忙中抽空擔任研 討會的嘉賓講者及討論環節 主持,並感謝各位 同業出席參與。

為慶祝香港零售管理協會成立30載,研 討會上特設30周年慶典開幕儀式,由協 會主席麥瑞女士,聯同副主席陸楷先生及 葉焯德先生一同主禮。 Ms. Mak and Vice-chairmen Guy Look and Henry Yip kicked off the celebrations of the 30 th Anniversary of Association at the Conference.



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