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The 5 th Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability 2013 2013 「卓越零售.持續成就」零售研討會

Flagship Programmes

The 5 th Retail Conference – Success & Sustainability organised by Hong Kong Retail Management Association ("Association") ended with success on 9 May, 2013. Since 2009, the Conference has been a key platform for retail practitioners to share their wisdoms and valuable experience.

The Conference attracted over 600 entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and retail practitioners to share their insights in brand development and people management in face of the rapidly changing and highly competitive market.

With a different theme reflecting the development and needs of the industry every year, the latest Conference adopted the themes of "Brand Innovation in the Dynamic World" and "Leadership in an Era of Transformation". Eight speakers were invited to share their wisdom in brand innovation and motivating a team to achieve success as an inspiring leader.

香港零售管理協會的「卓越零售.持續成就」零售研討 會,已於2013年5月9日圓滿舉行。自2009年首辦至今, 零售研討會已踏入第5屆,並發展為讓業界互相交流、切 磋及分享經驗的重要平台。

零售研討會匯才聚智,匯聚了600多位零售業及商界領袖 和管理精英出席,集思廣益,互相分享在品牌發展及人 才管理方面的經驗,以獲得啟發,如何以新思維,去迎 接變化急速及競爭激烈的營商環境。

每一屆研討會的主題都配合業界的發展和需要。今年研討 會的主題是「品牌創新迎幻變」及「超卓領導新一代」。 全日的會議共邀請了八位嘉賓講者,分享革新品牌的成功 心得,以及作為新一代領袖,如何凝聚團隊上下齊心的精 闢見解。


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