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2013 Service & Courtesy Award Kicks Off

With Service Forum for Retailers

「零售服務研討會」為 2013 「傑出服務獎」揭開序幕

香港零售管理協會於2013年4月24日舉行「零售服務研 討會」,並為2013「傑出服務獎」揭開序幕。協會主席 麥瑞琼女士於研討會上,讚揚香港零售從業員拚博、熱 誠、專業及以客為尊的精神,使香港的服務水平於國際 享譽盛名。她又勉勵零售從業員繼續努力,響應今年傑 出服務獎的主題「專業、好客、多元」,致力實踐優質 服務的元素,包括專業知識、好客態度、以及多元靈感 和創意思維,為顧客提供獨特體驗,以進一步提升香港 零售業的整體服務水平和優勢。

研討會邀請了專業旅運市場及產品管理總經理劉美詩小 姐,時昌迷你倉創辦人及行政總裁時景恒先生,向接近 三百位業界前線及管理人員,分享他們對優質服務的心 得。協會並邀請了多位零售業精英,向與會者分享他們 作為年輕主管的經驗,以及當年參加傑出服務獎的心路 歷程。

As a prelude to the 2013 Service & Courtesy Award, this year's Service Forum for Retailers was held on 24 April, 2013. Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association, attributed Hong Kong's world-class service to the hardworking, passionate, professional and customer-oriented retail practitioners. She also encouraged them to excel further and manifest the theme of this year – "Professional, Welcoming, Diversified" – by strengthening their professional knowledge, maintaining their warm and welcoming at t i tude, and enhancing thei r di ver si f ied creativity. A unique customer experience will further enhance the industry's overall service standard and competitiveness.

Ms . Susanna L au, General Manager of Market ing and Produc t Development of Travel Expert, and Mr. Kevin She, founder and CEO of SC Storage, were invited to share their insights on quality service with over 300 frontline retail practitioners and managers. Several young and successful supervisors also joined and shared with the audience their experience and personal thoughts on competing for the Service & Courtesy Award in the past.



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