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Session 1: Quality Service - Key to Success 第一部份:優質服務 致勝之道

Session 2: Excellent Services Lead to a Promising Future 第二部份:傑出服務 星光大道

Owing to the keen competition in the travel industry, maintaining a consistently high service quality is the crucial key to success. To stand out from the crowd, Ms Lau believed that the industry players should offer comprehensive staff trainings and present innovative value-added services to excel customer's expectation. Travel Expert launched the "Quality Service Year" programme this year, where employees are encouraged to go the extra mile in order to win the customers' support by offering them timely assistance.

劉美詩小姐表示,旅遊業競爭激烈,服務質素往往是致勝關鍵。要脫穎而出,她認為必須要全方位培訓員工,以 及構思創新的增值服務,雙管齊下才能令顧客不單感賓至如歸,更有喜出望外的體驗。她分享公司今年推行「優 質服務年」,當中鼓勵員工為顧客提供加「1」服務,即員工主動構思,多走一步,即使是一件小事,只要在顧客有需要時 得到適切的幫助,亦能帶給顧客窩心的感覺,贏取他們對公司的支持。

All-round Services 服務全方位

Ms. Susanna Lau, General Manager of Marketing and Product Development, Travel Expert

專業旅運市場及產品管理總經理 劉美詩小姐

Mr. She shared his story of success by first emphasizing the importance of regarding self-storage as a retail and property business instead of a sector in the logistics industry as the competitiveness of its operation and management counts on good customer service. He shared his experience on how SC Storage addressed customers' wide range of needs by launching a variety of services over years. Placing the emphasis on customer service, regular staff trainings are provided to ensure the staff respond to customer enquiries in a consistent manner and perceive complaints positively. He believed that if a complaint is handled properly, it is a good opportunity to regain the customer's trust.

時景恒先生分享他創業成功之道時強調,迷你倉並非物流業務,而是零售和地產生意,尤其在營運和管理方面, 做好顧客服務才有競爭優勢。他指出公司多年來的倉存種類不斷推陳出新,配合不同顧客群的需要;而在顧客服務方面亦 十分重視。公司會定期為員工提供培訓,務求使員工回應顧客查詢時有統一的答案,並且調整員工的心態,使他們勇於面 對顧客投訴。他相信若問題處理得當,可重拾顧客的信心,轉危為機。

Old Business, New Ideas 老行業.新概念

Mr. Kevin She, Founder and CEO, SC Storage

時昌迷你倉創辦人及行政總裁 時景恒先生

The three young managers who were awarded winners of 2008 and 2012 all acknowledged that joining the Service & Courtesy Award had strengthened their confidence and helped them gaining trust and support from colleagues, the experience had benefited their personal growth and career development tremendously.

Facing an increase in number of young supervisors in the industry, each manager has a unique way to manage team members of similar age. Mr. O thought that young people are generally more creative and hence supervisors should recognize them by offering opportunities to showcase their talents. Ms. Chan believed that it is important to be patient, caring and to communicate with young members in the way they are used to. While Ms. Leung noted that her experience gained from different departments helps improve her management skills.

三位年輕的管理人員分別在2008年及2012年獲得傑出服務獎的殊榮。被問及當年參加比賽的感受時,他們異口同聲表示參 賽後自信心增強了,更贏得同事之間的信任和支持,對個人成長和工作都有莫大幫助。

三位零售精英均認同現時業內年輕主管的數目不斷增加,對於管理同齡的員工,他們自有一套方法。柯榮根先生認為年輕 人普遍具創新思維,主管應該多了解他們,給予他們發揮創意的機會。陳培均小姐則表示要具備耐性,並利用年輕人慣用 的方法和他們溝通,主動給予關心。梁長羚小姐相信她在公司不同部門工作取得的經驗,有助全面提升管理水平。

The Advantages and Challenges of Having Younger Store Supervisors


Ms. Marcus Chan, Area Manager, 7-Eleven (2008 Service & Courtesy Award)

7-Eleven 分區經理 陳培均小姐 (2008 傑出服務獎得獎者 )

Mr. Benny O, Store Supervisor, Mirabell (2012 Service & Courtesy Award)

Mirabell 店舖主任 柯榮根先生 (2012 傑出服務獎得獎者 )

Ms. Dorcas Leung, Product Sales Manager, DFS Group Ltd (2012 Service & Courtesy Award)

DFS Group Ltd 商品銷售經理 梁長羚小姐 (2012 傑出服務獎得獎者 )


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