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Professional Diploma in Retail Management MOU Signing Ceremony cum Career Talk


合作備忘錄簽約儀式 暨 就業講座

The Hong Kong Retail Management Association ("Association") has striven to industry and promote talent development. It joined hands with the Vocatio Professional Diploma in Retail Management and held a MOU Signing Ceremony cu represented a new milestone in the development of the industry with a comprehe

協會一向非常關注零售業人手短缺,以及人才培訓的問題。為了提供一個全面及有系統的 「零售管理專業文憑」,並於2013年7月9日舉行合作備忘錄簽約儀式暨就業講座,象徵零

A three-pronged approach


Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of Association, noted that the Diploma is a part-time pro for retail practitioners to enrich their business and management knowledge. Comb education, vocational training and continuous education, the programme not only professional diploma, but also a recognised qualification certified by the Qualification which allows them to articulate higher qualifications in the future. Therefore, the pro in nurturing talents for the industry and promoting the professional development o long run.


iness world and the academic field. Yip, Vice-Chairman of the Association, that it meets the actual needs of the uality and professionalism of this retail , believed that the two organisers can e programme will fuel the growth of pers Paradise.

育及培訓委員會,就課程的結構及內容提 員提供專業及具質素的課程,並且在舉辦 士認為,協會和職業訓練局發揮了優勢互 持購物天堂的美譽作更大的貢獻。

modules will receive a Professional Diploma and those completing three will rece Certificate.

職業訓練局工商管理學科學術總監祁志純簡介,「零售管理專業文憑」課程具彈性,課程 學員可按自己工作及生活的編排,彈性地於不同時期修讀每個單元以獲得學分。從業員完 頒發專業文憑;完成3個單元亦可獲頒發專業證書,為從業員不同的需要提供靈活性。


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