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Sharing of retail elites 零售業精英 分享工作喜與樂

Ms. Sam Chan, Assistant Training Manager, The Dairy Farm Co Ltd – IKEA (2009 Service & Courtesy Award winner )

牛奶有限公司 - 宜家家居 Assistant Training Manager 陳正芯小姐 (2009「傑出服務獎」得獎者 )

Ms. Wong Wai Chi, Product Sales Manager, DFS Group Ltd (2009 Service & Courtesy Award winner)

DFS Group Ltd 商品銷售經理 黃煒芝小姐 (2009「傑出服務獎」得獎者 )

Ms. Toby Chiu, Shop Supervisor, Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Ltd (2011 Service & Courtesy Award winner )

香港電訊有限公司 分店主任 趙婉清小姐 (2011「傑出服務獎」得獎者 )

Facilitator: Mr. Paul Ma, Chairman of HKRMA Service & Courtesy Award Organizing Committee

主持﹕香港零售管理協會 傑出服務獎籌委會主席 馬永基先生

The highlight of the event was the sharing session hosted by three winners of the Service & Courtesy Award who shared their career motivations, challenges, opportunities and unique experiences with around 120 students and fellow practitioners. When being asked of their impression of the industry, they all shared that it is a vibrant and challenging sector with a wealth of opportunities for young people. They believed that the professional programme will strengthen retail practitioners' competitiveness and ensure brighter career prospects.

當日活動的壓軸環節,是由三位「傑出服務獎」得獎者向在座約120位就讀零售課程 的同學及在職同業,分享多年來的工作點滴,包括她們投身零售業的緣由,當中遇到 的挑戰和機遇,以及各自在不同領域的工作體驗等。然而,當主持人馬永基先生問及 她們對零售業的感想時,三位不約而同認為,零售業是一個多姿多采而且充滿活力的 行業,可以為年輕人提供很多發展機會。她們亦表示若修讀零售專業課程,可增加從 業員的競爭力,在行內將有更好的發展前景。

Encouraging professional development with scholarships 創立獎學金 鼓勵專業發展

To commemorate the 30 th anniversary of the Association, a scholars to encourage more practitioners to pursue continuous study and graduates to join the industry. A total of HK$100,000 was given to awards to outstanding students of the Professional Diploma in Retail M and Higher Diploma in Retail & Merchandising Management in the ne with the first batch of recipients received their scholarships at the cer

今年適逢協會成立三十周年,為鼓勵零售從業員持續進修,並吸引更多 售業,協會特別成立了「香港零售管理協會獎學金」,合共捐出港幣十 訓練局未來五年獎勵就讀「零售管理專業文憑」及「零售及採購管理高 優異的學生。首批獲獎勵的學生已於簽約儀式當日受嘉許。

For details about the Professional Diploma in Retail Management, please visit




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