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rom the Qualifications and the "progression Nicholas Jim, Convenor puty Convenor of SCS venor of SCS Drafting are their views on how training processes. The event was well attended by over 100 retail employers, human resources professionals, and representatives of professional associations and training bodies.

The development of SCS will benefit all stakeholders of the industry, including employers, employees and training bodies.

Talent Development Blueprint for Employers

SCS offers employers guidelines on recruitment, training and competency assessment. In particular, they can design suitable training programmes for employees in different positions according to SCS, strengthening the skills and service quality of the whole team systematically. By providing QF-recognised training courses, employers would not only enhance the team's efficiency, but also improve the corporate image, boost sense of belonging among staff members and attract talents.

Self-improvement Guide for Retail Practitioners

While QF, like a comprehensive roadmap, helps employees gain recognition for their qualifications and experience gained previously, SCS helps retail practitioners plan their own career path and study plan. Those who want to join the industry can also refer to the "progression pathways" of each functional area to get a better understanding of the career prospects and set their career goals. Besides, practitioners' skills, knowledge and relevant experience can be recognised through the "Recognition of Prior Learning" mechanism or by enrolling in QF-recognised courses, allowing them to strengthen their competitiveness and achieve better career development.

Course Design Handbook for Training Organisations

Tailored to the industry's needs with input from the industry, SCS is an useful reference in designing retail-related programmes, developing diversified recognised courses and expanding training service.

資歷架構秘書處在諮詢會上,亦簡介了《能力標準說明》 內容及各職能範疇的「進階路徑」,並邀請了《能力標準 說明》編撰專責小組召集人詹德慶先生、副召集人伍俊達 先生,以及小組屬下工作小組召集人葉焯德先生,向在場 人士分享企業如何在招聘及培訓層面應用資歷架構。是次 諮詢會獲業界僱主、人力資源同事、專業學會以及培訓機 構代表超過100位嘉賓出席參與。

《能力標準說明》的制定,對整個行業不同的持份者,包 括僱主、僱員及培訓機構均帶來多贏的局面。


《能力標準說明》為僱主在員工招聘、人才培訓及能力評 核方面給予指引,特別在員工培訓方面,僱主可參照《能 力標準說明》,為不同崗位的員工靈活設計合適的課程, 有系統地強化團隊的技能和服務質素。企業為員工提供受 資歷認可的培訓課程,不但能增加員工的工作效率,亦同 時有助提升企業形象,加強員工對公司的歸屬感,有助廣 納人才。


資歷架構就好像一個四通八達的路線圖,讓從業員透過不 同學習所累積的資歷及經驗得到確認。《能力標準說明》 可讓在職從業員規劃個人事業發展,訂立個人進修計劃; 而有志晉身零售業的人士,亦可透過參考各職能範疇的 「進階路徑」,了解行業的發展前景,確立事業目標。此 外,透過「過往資歷認可」機制,或修讀具資歷認可的課 程,零售從業員的技能、知識和相關工作經驗,可獲得業 界肯定和認可,增加競爭力,將有更好的事業發展。


《能力標準說明》是由行業主導,配合行業需要而制定, 培訓機構可用作設計零售培訓課程時的主要參考,發展多 元化的認可課程,開拓培訓服務。

Related websites of QF: 「資歷架構」 相關網站

Qualifications Framework 資歷架構:

Qualifications Framework ― Retail Industry 資歷架構―零售業行業專頁: Qualifications Register 資歷名冊:

Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局: "Recognition of Prior Learning" Assessment Office 「過往資歷認可」評估辦事處:



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