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Knowledge Sharing

HKRMA Supports Qualifications Framework for the Industry


Improving Workforce Quality and Promoting Industry Development

提升人才質素 推動行業發展

In Hong Kong, over 260 thousand people currently work in the retail industry, accounting for one-tenth of the total labour force. The contributions of this population, however, has always been understated though their work is really challenging. In order to provide quality customer service, retail practitioners need to master various skills, keep abreast of the rapidly-changing market, and enhance their knowledge in the latest products and trends.

In order to enhance the professional status of the industry, the Association has been actively advocating the implementation of the Qualifications Framework (QF), and supported the establishment of the Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) in September 2010 to embark on the initiative, in order to erecting a new milestone in talent development of the industry.

Serving as a comprehensive and systematic quality assurance and training mechanism, QF consists of seven levels covering qualifications attained from mainstream education, vocational training and continuing education, offering the articulation ladders between different levels of qualifications. The Retail ITAC drafted the industry's first set of the Specifications of Competency Standards (SCS), and held an Industry Consultation Session on 6 June, 2013 to kick off the three-month public consultation. The SCS specifies the functional areas of the retail sector and indicates the competency standards and assessment guidelines of level one to seven according to the required knowledge and skills.

Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association who also headed the Retail ITAC, said in the Session that as the compilation of SCS engaged representatives from employers, employees, chambers of commerce and trade unions, it will suit the practical needs of the sector and serve as a recognised standard for talent development. She also urged the member organisations and fellow retailers to support QF and drive the professional development of the industry together, so as to maintain the leadership of local retail industry in Asia and even the world.

本港目前約二十六萬人從事零售業,佔總勞動人口一 成。 然而,這支龐大隊伍的工作卻往往被大眾忽視。 今時今日零售從業員的工作不簡單。他們需要具備多 元化的技能,面對市場急速發展要與時並進,不斷提 升對新產品及消費潮流的認識,才能為顧客提供優質 服務。

為了提升零售業的專業地位,協會積極推動落實資歷 架構,並於2010年9月支持政府成立行業培訓諮詢委 員會(簡稱諮委會),為業界展開人才發展的新里程。

資歷架構是一套完善及有系統的人才資歷認可及培訓 機制,將資歷分為七級,涵蓋主流教育、職業培訓及 持續進修的資歷,並為各項資歷提供銜接階梯。 經 過兩年多的時間,諮委會現已完成撰寫業內第一套 《能力標準說明》,並於2013年6月6日舉行業界諮 詢會,展開為期3個月的諮詢。《能力標準說明》詳 列了行業所需的職能範疇,並就各職能按零售從業員 所需具備的知識和技能,訂明一至七級的能力標準和 評核指引。

協會主席兼零售業諮委會主席麥瑞琼女士於業界諮詢 會上表示,《能力標準說明》整個編撰過程有業內的 僱主、僱員、商會、工會等不同團體代表參與,使內 容不但切合行業的實際需要,更為業界提供具認受性 的標準,可作為行業人才發展的基石。麥女士呼籲各 會員機構及同業支持資歷架構,攜手推動業界的專業 發展,讓香港零售業繼續於亞洲,以至全球,維持領 導地位。

Consultation Session on the Specifications of Competency Standards for Retail Industry



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