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Message from the Chairman of HKRMA


Ms. Caroline Mak


erformance in 2011, the retail slow as the mainland visitors' l tourist arrival reached 43.8 t in 2011. The growth in 2012 he beginning of the year to a year.

s not in a drastic growth last the growth rate rebounded to 9.4% in November and 8.8% in December 2012. Moreover, the sales performance during Christmas and New Year was better than expected, which gave us a surprise. It seems that the growth has picked up energy again in the festive seasons starting November, and we expect the coming Chinese New Year may bring another wave of growth. In actual fact, when compared to other developed economies, Hong Kong has been enjoying exceptionally good retail sales growth of an average of over 20% in the past two years, namely with an impressive rate of 18.3% and 24.9% in 2010 and 2011 respectively. Though the very strong base in 2011 led to a mild year-on-year growth of 9.8% in 2012, the overall growth momentum should not be taken lightly. Looking ahead in 2013, Hong Kong is still vulnerable to global financial turbulence while internally we have to deal with the rocketing operating costs, pressure of imported inflation, and labour shortage. Retailers must remain vigilant to think ahead of business priorities and be flexible to respond to rapidly evolving trading environment. Amid all odds, the Association stays positive that with China's improving economic performance, the overall retail sales of Hong Kong in 2013 is expected to register a mid single-digit to a low double-digit growth rate, albeit varied performance across different categories.

However, retailers should monitor closely the changing profiles of mainland tourists to Hong Kong. According to a research released by Nielsen, a market research company, in October 2012, the overnight mainland visitors from non tier-1 cities had already outgrown those from tier-1 cities (including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ) from 43% of the total visitors in the past to the current 65%. Despite their spending was about 62% less than those from tier-1 cities, when given same number of visitors, they required more customer service than their counterparts of tier-1 cities. As a result, it led to a much greater demand on service hours required on all fronts of customer contacts. I would advise fellow retailers better get prepared early for the changes. Now let 's turn to our regular business. As a normal practice, key members of the Association would meet with top government officials from time to time through get-together activities to exchange views of mutual interests. In the past three months, the Association organized a few get-together luncheons including one with Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary. During which our serious concern on manpower shortage among other pressing issues was conveyed. To ensure our voice was fully heard by the Government, we have also sent a submission on the Policy Address and the upcoming Budget to give our views and recommendations on Hong Kong's regional/global competitiveness, manpower development and business facilitation. On 16 January, 2013, the Chief Executive Mr. C Y Leung announced his debut Policy Address, which covered a number of initiatives to boost economic development, especially the development of industries. However, it is quite disappointed that, retail as a growth engine of local economy, our concerns on manpower shortage and insufficient retail space were not addressed in this Policy Address. The Association will maintain a constant dialogue with principal officials through get-togethers and other industry events to reflect the concerns of the industr y and advocate a business fr iendly environment for the industry to flourish.

儘管2012年全年訪港旅客人數高達4,383萬人,較2011年同期上 升16%,但由於內地旅客的消費減少,與2011年的強勁零售銷貨 額表現相比,2012年的銷貨額增長相對遜色;2012年的增長由 年初的雙位數降至年底的單位數增長。

零售銷貨額表現上季雖未見大幅增長,不過我們樂見增長率已回 升至2012年11月的9.4%和12月的8.8%。此外,聖誕及新年期間 的銷售表現遠勝預期,令我們喜出望外。節日期間的銷售增長似 乎由11月起再度加快,希望即將來臨的農曆新年會為零售銷售帶 來另一輪增長。

事實上,與其他發展成熟的經濟相比,香港在2010年及2011年 的零售銷貨額分別錄得18.3%及24.9%的增長,達到每年平均 20%的理想升幅。雖然2011年的強勁基數導致2012年的按年銷貨 額增長只有9.8%,但本港零售業整體增長的動力不容忽視。

展望2013年,香港仍然面對環球金融不穩的威脅,同時要應付營 運成本急升、輸入性通脹和人手短缺的壓力。零售商在新一年必 須保持審慎,並要因時制宜,隨時因應經營環境的轉變而調整業 務。縱然有不利因素,協會對2013年的前景維持正面看法。受惠 於中國內地的經濟重拾增長較快的勢頭,預計2013年香港的零售 業銷貨額將可錄得中單位數至低雙位數的增長,而不同零售組別 的表現或會略有參差。

不過,零售商必須密切留意來港內地旅客的背景有所改變。根據 尼爾森公司於2012年10月公佈的一項調查顯示,在2011年訪港 的內地旅客中,65%來自一線城市(即北京、上海、廣州)以外 的非一線城市,比較前一年升了43%。此外,以相同的旅客數目 計算,非一線城市旅客的消費,比一線城市的少62%,但他們同 時更著重零售商的服務水平。此趨勢明顯表示,內地旅客對零售 各個層面的服務需求將會大增。故此,我建議零售同業應為此發 展及早作好準備。

會務方面,協會一如既往與政府保持緊密聯繫。協會執委會會員 透過不同的聚會及場合與政府官員交流意見。我們在過去三個月 安排了數次午餐聚會,其中一場更邀得財政司司長曾俊華先生出 席。席間會員表達了業界對人手不足及其他迫切問題的憂慮。為 充分向政府反映我們的意見,我們亦就《施政報告》及即將發表 的《財政預算案》提交意見書,列明業界就香港的區域及環球競 爭力、人力發展及便利營商方面的意見及建議。

行政長官梁振英先生已於2013年1月16日發表任內首份《施政報 告》。報告涵蓋多項推動經濟發展的措施,尤其針對多個產業的 發展。然而,儘管零售業對本地經濟舉足輕重,但《施政報告》 未有回應業界人手短缺及零售空間不足的問題,令人失望。我們 將繼續與主要官員保持緊密溝通,透過聚會及其他業界活動,反 映業界的關注和倡議有利營商的環境,促進零售業的蓬勃發展。



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