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A longs ide our que s t for bus ine s s fac i l i t at ion measure s , the Association will continue to engage in rounds of discussion with the Government on a number of regulations and legislations in the coming months. Over the past three months, the Association took par t in public consultations by sending submissions and having meetings with officials. Now let me give you a quick update. On the public consultation on the draft Enforcement Guidelines of the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012, although the Government finally extended the consultation period from an unreasonable six weeks to 14 weeks until 17 March 2013, we still find the draft guidelines full of ambiguities which would impose tremendous challenges on current legitimate trade practices. Our concerns have been ref lected to the Government through different channels, including at a briefing conducted by the Customs and Excise Department at the January Executive Committee meeting. We will continue to reflect our views on the draft Guidelines to the Government and keep you informed of the latest development. On another front , the Government is going to form a Special Committee in Q1 2013 to follow up on the Policy Study on Standard Working Hours (SWH) which was released in November 2012. The Association believes that the root cause of having long working hours is largely attributed to the long-standing manpower shortage faced by most of the industries in Hong Kong including the retail sector and legislating SWH is not the best way to achieve work-life balance. In the time ahead, we will spare no effort to convince the Special Committee that legislating SWH is neither a quick cure for the root problem nor an effective means to achieve work-life balance. They should study the subject thoroughly especially the cause of its root problem and explore alternatives to achieve a more balanced lifestyle before making any recommendations to the Government.

Apar t from the above issues, the Association is also fol lowing closely on the development of a number of legislations which would adversely af fect the business environment, including the establ ishment of the Competition Commission and draf ting of guidelines under the Competition Ordinance, and the various waste management initiatives under the Producers Responsibility Scheme. We will continue to give our views to the Government should we have any concerns over these legislations.

On a lighter side, we are very happy to have concluded 2012 with the Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 4 December 2012. I would l ike to take this oppor tunit y to thank the overwhelming support of our member organizations as we had a record-breaking over 1,500 guests attended the event. Our heartfelt thanks also go to Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary for Administration, who addressed the occasion and presented the trophies to the winners of 2012 Service Retailers of the Year of the Mystery Shoppers Programme. I am sure Mrs. Lam must have enhanced her understanding of the trade and the challenges we face. Meanwhile, we are grateful to the event sponsors and prize donors for their support and generosity, and our fellow retail staff for their outstanding stage performance which made the annual event an unforgettable one. I believe you would agree that winners of the Association's two award schemes including 2012 Service Retailers of the Year as well as Service and Courtesy Award should deserve the spotlight too. On behalf of the Association, I wish to give a big applause to all of them for their exceptional performance in achieving service excellence. It is with their dedication and "can-do" spirit that have buttressed Hong Kong's reputation as a shopping paradise. With the new term of membership soon to start, I would like to give an update about our membership at year-end. Right now we have over 470 company members who operate more than 6,700 outlets and employ over half of Hong Kong retail workforce of some 260,000 people. I take this opportunity to invite fellow retailers who are not yet our members to join our big family in the new year. And for existing members, I would sincerely remind you to renew your membership early.

2013 is a very special year as the Association will be celebrating its 30 th anniversary. With our members' continuing support, the Association has been flourishing all along these years in a vibrant and healthy manner. To celebrate this special occasion, the Association will roll out a series of activities in the coming months. Please keep an eye on your email box to receive the latest information. Last but not least, as the Year of the Snake is approaching, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a prosperous and fruitful year!

協會在促請政府落實利商措施之餘,我們於未來數月亦將就數項 規例及立法事宜與政府商討。本協會於過去三個月曾就多項公眾 諮詢與政府官員會面及提交意見書,現簡述最新進展。

於《2012年商品說明 (不良營商手法) (修訂) 條例》執法指引擬稿 的公眾諮詢中,雖然政府最終將短得不合理的六星期諮詢期延長 至十四個星期(至2013年3月17日),我們仍然認為指引草稿內 容含糊不清,嚴重影響業界目前遵法的營商手法。我們已透過各 種渠道向政府反映業界的疑慮,其中香港海關出席協會1月份執 委會會議簡介指引內容時,會員就曾提出多項質疑。我們將繼續 向政府反映意見,並向業界匯報最新進展。

另一方面,政府將於2013年第一季成立專責委員會跟進於2012 年11月發表的《標準工時政策研究報告》。本會認為香港眾多行 業均面對工時過長的情況,其根本原因在於香港勞工短缺,零售 業也未能幸免;立法規管標準工時,並非達致作息平衡的最佳對 策。我們將竭力向專責委員會反映標準工時並不是解決工時過長 的特效藥,也不是鼓勵作息平衡的良方。委員會應該在向政府提 交任何建議前,慎重研究工時過長的根本原因,並探討各種促進 作息平衡的方法。

除上述事宜外,本協會亦密切留意多項影響營商環境的立法事項 及其進展,包括《競爭條例》通過後成立競爭事務委員會和制定 指引,以及生產者責任計劃項下的多項廢物管理措施。我們將繼 續向政府反映業界對有關立法事項的意見。

現在,讓我們轉入較為輕鬆的話題。協會於2012年12月4日舉 行的周年晚會暨頒獎典禮,為2012年劃上圓滿句號。當晚共有 1,500多名嘉賓出席,打破歷年紀錄,謹此感謝各會員機構的鼎 力支持。本協會亦衷心感謝政務司司長林鄭月娥女士蒞臨主禮致 辭,並頒發「神秘顧客計劃」的「2012年最佳服務零售商」獎 項,相信林司長現在對業界的運作及面對的挑戰必定有更深入的 了解。

我們也感謝晚會贊助商及禮品贊助商的熱心支持,以及零售從業 員的落力表演,令這項年度盛事生色不少。「2012年最佳服務零 售商」及「傑出服務獎」的得獎者皆實至名歸,我謹代表協會恭 賀得獎者卓越的表現。他們的竭誠服務及全力以赴的精神,令香 港「購物天堂」的地位更加穩固。

新年將至,讓我匯報最新的會員數目。截至2012年年底,協會有 470多名機構會員,覆蓋6,700多間零售店舖,僱用員工數目超過 香港近26萬名零售從業員的半數。我藉此邀請零售商加入本會成 為會員,亦趁此機會提醒現任會員更新2013年會籍。

協會於2013年將邁進30周年誌慶的里程碑。有賴各會員多年來的 全力支持,協會得以穩步發展。為慶祝這特別的一年,協會將於未 來數月推出一系列慶祝活動,有關詳情會陸續公布,敬請留意。



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