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2012 Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony 2012 年周年晚會暨頒獎典禮

Flagship Programmes

為慶祝碩果豐收的一年,香港零售管理協會於2012 年12月4日假香港會議展覽中心大禮堂舉行2012年 周年晚會暨頒獎典禮。當晚包括政府官員、業界翹 楚、商會領袖及零售業前線員工等逾1,500位嘉賓共 聚一堂,場面盛大。

協會主席麥瑞琼女士致歡迎辭時感謝嘉賓撥冗光 臨,並感激會員過去一年對協會的鼎力支持。除了 衷心恭賀各得獎者外,她更勉勵零售從業員要裝備 好自己,以最佳狀態服務客人,從而贏得顧客的信 心,給他們帶來貼心的服務體驗,為香港的零售業 建立良好信譽。

協會有幸邀得政務司司長林鄭月娥女士,GBS,JP 擔任晚 會主禮嘉賓。她致辭時肯定零售業推動本港經濟發 展的重要,並鼓勵協會繼續擔當零售業與政府之間 的溝通橋樑,向政府提出適切的建議。

當晚的頒獎環節將晚會氣氛推至高峰。在業界同儕 的一片熱烈歡呼聲中,神秘顧客計劃「2012年最佳 服務零售商」的得獎公司及「2012年傑出服務獎」 的得獎者先後上台領獎,場面熱鬧。

此外,大會安排了十位零售員工於「零售星聲Sing」 大展歌喉,其後更由搖滾樂隊太極作壓軸表演,台 下觀眾投入其中,現場氣氛高漲,令晚會生色不 少。是次盛事得以圓滿舉行,實有賴贊助商及贊助 抽獎禮物的各個機構的慷慨支持,讓來賓歡度一個

To celebrate a year of great efforts and accomplishments, the Association's 2012 Annual Ball was held on 4 December, 2012 at the Grand Hall of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The brilliant assemblage of over 1,500 guests including government officials, industry leaders, executives of professional bodies, and frontline retail staff made the occasion one of the most unforgettable events organized by the Association.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association, thanked the guests for their presence and fellow members for their unwavering support in the past year. She also took the opportunity to congratulate the winners of the service awards and encouraged retail practitioners to equip themselves with skills and knowledge in order to build up consumer confidence, which was in turn essential in earning and maintaining Hong Kong's reputation as an international shopping paradise.

The Association was very honoured to have invited Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, to be the Guest of Honour. In her speech, Mrs. Lam recognized the important role of the retail industry in contributing to the development of Hong Kong's economy. She encouraged the Association to continue to play its important role as a communication platform between the retail trade and the Government, and put forward constructive suggestions to the Government.

The atmosphere of the Annual Ball peaked at the retail awards presentation. The winning companies of the "2012 Service Retailers of the Year" under the Mystery Shoppers Programme and the winners of the "2012 Service and Courtesy Award" were invited on stage to receive the awards amidst rousing cheers from their fellow retail practitioners.

The night was also filled with fun and music with 10 retail talents performed an entertaining medley, and followed by some greatest hits played by rock-n-roll band Tai-Chi. Thanks to the support of the sponsors and companies who generously donated gifts for the raffle draw and table prizes, the Annual Ball


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