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Mystery Shoppers Programme - Retail Industry Service Monitor Index

神秘顧客計劃 - 零售行業服務指數

The "Retai l Industr y Ser vice Monitor Index " was launched by the Association in 1996. By analysing data from the Mystery Shoppers Programme (MSP) collected over the years, the Index shows the service performance of the industry on a scale of 1-100% on a yearly basis. In 2014, the Index covered service performance of 19 retail business categories, including two newly-added categories of Health Care Products and Personal Care Products.

Latest Retail Service Trends:

• The overall service performance of the retail industry has improved from 75% registered in the inaugural year 1996 to 87.09% in 2014. Over the past 19 years, the average service performance of the retail industry demonstrated a growth of 12.09%.

• Among all categories in 2014, Watch & Jewellery category showed the highest level of service performance at 94.7%, followed by Telecommunications category at 91.91%.

• Comparing to 2013, 12 categories recorded an increase in their ser vice per formance in 2014. Among them, Infant and Child Merchandise categor y recorded the highest increase of 4.3%, followed by Fashion & Accessories categor y (1.8%), Footwear category (1.8%) and Fashion & Accessories – Sports & Outdoor Products category (1.5%).

Highlights of service trends could be found on the Association’s website in “Policy & Industry Watch – Service Trend” section.

協會自1996年開始根據「神秘顧客計劃」所獲得的 資料數據,制定「零售行業服務指數」(指數)。 這項指數以1至100%作出評分,展示零售業每年的 服務表現。 2014年的指數涵蓋了19個零售組別的服 務水平, 包括健康產品、以及個人護理產品這兩項 新增的零售組別。


• 零售行業的整體服務表現由1996年指數推出第 一期75%躍升至2014年的87.09%。過去19年 來,零售行業整體服務表現提升了12.09%。

• 在2014年,鐘錶及珠寶店的服務表現最佳, 服務指數達9 4 . 7%;其次是電訊組別,有 91.91%。

• 與2013年比較,2014年有12個組別的服務表 現均錄得增長,其中最高升幅的是嬰兒及兒童 商品組別,有4.3%上升,其次是時裝飾物店組 別(1.8%)、鞋類組別(1.8%),以及時裝飾物店 – 運動及戶外用品組別 (1.5%)。

有關服務趨勢的重點,請參與協會網站「法例 及零售資訊」中,「服務趨勢」一欄。網址:

Retail Industry's Average Service Performance (from 1996 to 2014) 整體零售行業平均服務表現 (1996 – 2014)

‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14






87.12% 88.02% 89.06%

87.37% 86.43% 87.62% 88.44% 88.98% 89.53%


85.17% 85.24%

86.64% 87.09%

Year ԑӋ

Growth ቨߝġ(1996-2014) +12.09%


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