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2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries:

Customer Service Award Presentation Ceremony 2014 香港工商業獎:顧客服務 - 頒獎典禮

The Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) is a unique award championed by the HKSAR Government with an aim to recognize and encourage excellence, and to promote successful practices of industrial and service performance. The Association is proud to be the leading organizer for the "Customer Service" award, which is one of the six award categories of HKAI.

The year 2014 marks the 25 th anniversary of the HKAI. The 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 18 December was officiated by the Chief Executive Mr. C Y Leung, together with representatives of the six leading organizers, including Mr. Henry Yip, the Vice-Chairman of the Association.

Thi s year, a tot al of 8 compani es were awarded under the "Customer Service" category in recognition of their excellent service performance. The Association would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all members of the judging panels and congratulate the winners on their well-deserved awards.

Customer Service Grand Award

The Link Management Limited - Lok Fu Market

Customer Service Award

A.S. Watson Retail (HK) Limited - Watsons G2000 (Apparel) Limited - G2000 My Affection Limited Ngong Ping 360 Limited

Customer Service Certificate of Merit

Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Ltd Premium Living Limited

The Great Eagle Properties Management Company, Limited - Citibank Plaza

香港工商業獎是獲香港特區政府鼎力支持的獎勵計 劃,旨在表揚提供優質顧客服務的機構,致力推廣 優質服務的重要性。 香港工商業獎共設有六個組 別獎項, 而協會非常榮幸能成「顧客服務」這個 組別的主辦機構。

2014年是香港工商業獎創立25周年紀念。今年的 頒獎典禮已於2014年12月18日舉行;並獲行政長 官梁振英先生蒞臨出席,聯同六個組別的主辦機構 代表,包括協會副主席葉焯德先生,一同主持頒獎 典禮開幕儀式。

今年共有8間機構獲得「顧客服務」項,他們的努 力成果實在值得業界及社會的認同和鼓勵。協會感 謝各評審委員的支持和貢獻,並對「顧客服務」組 別各得獎企業致以衷心祝賀。


領匯管理有限公司 - 樂富街市


屈臣氏零售(香港)有限公司 - 屈臣氏 縱橫二千有限公司 - G2000 囍悅策劃有限公司 昂坪360有限公司

顧客服務優異證書 OK 便利店有限公司 Premium Living Limited

鷹君物業管理有限公司 - 花旗銀行廣場

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