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Customer Service Grand Award 顧客服務大獎

The Link Management Limited - Lok Fu Market

領匯管理有限公司 - 樂富街市

Consistent with The Link’s Vision, Mission and Values (“VMV”), The Link's Fresh Market Team strives to deliver sustainable growth while adding value and providing quality service to the community. The rationale of the Customer Service Programme is to sustain the traditional fresh market industry by improving the environment and providing customer-oriented services while retaining the freshness of food and the connections forged within the community.

The Fresh Market Team have developed its plan by revealing customer insights through research and surveys, learning be s t prac t i ce s f rom l oca l groce r y r e t a i l e r s and p r omi nen t ma r ke t s overseas, di f ferentiating its unique value proposition within the grocery retai l ing industr y, and introducing be t t e r cus tome r e x pe r i ence s to shoppers. The core upgraded services include customer-centric facilities

(e.g. Barrier Free Access facilities, customer service counter), value-added services (e.g. trolleys, electronic payment options, free parking and shuttle, customer service ambassadors), a hygienic and safe environment, and a contemporary shopping experience. These quality services embody the company’s customer value proposition and have made Lok Fu Market so distinctive in the fresh market industry which has attracted a host of positive media coverage.

為體現領匯的抱負、使命及信念,領匯的 鮮活街市團隊全力支持旗下街市持續發 展,為社區增值並帶來優質服務。公司的 顧客服務計劃理念,是透過改善環境、提

供以客為本的服務和供應新 鮮食材,凝聚社區,延續鮮 活街市文化。

顧客服務計劃是通過研究和 調查,根據顧客的意見後所 設計;並將本地同業和海外 市場的最佳元素引入,在街 市行業中建立獨特的價值定 位,為顧客引入更好的購物 體驗。核心的服務提升包括 一系列以顧客為本的配套設 、增值顧客服務、衞生和安 全的環境,以及時尚的購物體 驗。以上貼心服務體現出公司著重為顧客 增值的市場定位,令樂富街市於行業中脫 穎而出,並得到傳媒的正面報導。


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