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G2000 (Apparel) Limited - G2000

縱橫二千有限公司 - G2000

Customer Service Award 顧客服務獎

Following its launch in 1985, G2000 soon established its position as a leader in retail apparel in Hong Kong and successfully nurtured a local “suit culture”. By focusing on core brand values “Customers”, “Passion” and “Change”, G2000 strives to raise the overall satisfaction level of customers to an unprecedented level through a high standard of professionalism and relentless innovation.

The company’s Suit Consulting Service Program offered comprehens i ve t raining for i t s team member s that transformed them into suit exper ts with an enhanced career path. With personalized service and unique product, every customer can achieve an individual style and way of dressing that brings out their confidence and personal charisma.

G2000’s excellent products, innovative consulting service, and dedicated staff training, have not only ensured high levels of customer satisfaction, but also increased the career satisfaction of staff and enhanced their loyalty to the company, which in turn brings long-term benefits to G2000.

G2000 創立於1985 年,憑藉優質的產品和對創新的堅持, 在香港服裝界奠定了領導位置,成功於本地推廣西裝文化。 品牌秉持「顧客為本」、「專業熱誠」、「追求突破」等業 務理念,致力以專業的態度,提升顧客的整體滿意度,承先 啟後為市場開創新局面。

G2000銳意昇華西裝文化,不斷為顧客帶來喜出望外的服務 及產品,包括推出卓越優質的顧客服務概念「專業西裝顧問 服務」。透過完善的培訓與晉升計劃,將員工打造成為西裝 的專才(Sui t Consul tant),為不同顧客提供個人化的專業意 見,讓顧客展現出個人自信及魅力的一面。

超卓的產品配合專業創新的顧問服務,不僅能使顧客的購買 意欲與滿意度大大提升,更可增加僱員的成就感與歸屬感, 為公司帶來長遠驕人的效益。

A.S. Watson Retail (HK) Limited - Watsons

屈臣氏零售(香港)有限公司 - 屈臣氏

Watsons, a member of the A.S. Watson Group, continually sets the highest standards in the health, wellness and beaut y marke t , prov iding pe r sona l i zed adv i ce and counseling in health, beauty and personal care – as well as offering a market-leading product range, helping customers "Look Good, Feel Great" every day.

"Customer 360 Strategy " is the company ' s mission to surpass expectations in every aspect of its relationship with customers – in stores and beyond. The strategy covers 6 areas: store experience, members' experience, social experience, mobile experience, online experience and marketing experience.

A team of approximately 380 health and beauty specialists provide quality service in the stores. To enhance staf f professionalism, Watsons offers comprehensive training including vocational qualifications recognized under the Qualifications Framework (QF). Year-round Service Culture campaign and staff engagement activities were organized to underline the company's belief that happy employees lead to happy customers.

To provide a new and convenient shopping experience to its customers, a mobile shopping app iWatsons was launched in March 2014 to meet the ever-changing needs of the customers and to enrich their lives with exclusive offers and services.

多年來,屈臣氏為顧客提供個人化的諮詢及建議,配以多元 化產品種類,令顧客每天都能Look Good, Feel Great。為了 讓顧客享受到周全的服務,屈臣氏特別制定了顧客體驗360 策略,涵蓋六個範疇:店鋪體驗、會員體驗、網上社交平台 體驗、手機購物體驗、網上購物體驗及市場推廣體驗。

屈臣氏約380人的專業團隊由註冊藥劑師、營養師、中醫 師、護士、資深陪月顧問、健康活力大使及美容顧問等組 成,全面照顧顧客的需要。為提升員工的專業水平,屈臣氏 提供全面的培訓,如資歷架構認可課程;並舉辦各類服務文 化推廣和員工活動,鼓勵員工參與社區服務,傳遞關懷及健 康訊息。

為提供嶄新的購物體驗,屈臣氏更於2 0 1 4年3月推出 iWatsons手機購物程式,讓顧客隨時隨地輕鬆購物,並不斷 提供多元化及貼心的禮遇,令顧客生活更添色彩!

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