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Ngong Ping 360 Limited

昂坪 360 有限公司

Ngong Ping 360 is an important tourist attraction that combines a cable car journey between Tung Chung and Ngong Ping Village, which features a variety of dining, shopping and entertainment experiences. The company committed to continually upgrading its quality of service in order to give guests a unique multi-sensory experience.

The company launched a guest-centric approach in order to provide guests with an unprecedented experience. Thi s approach inc lude s enhanc ing se r v i ce cul ture, upgrading equipment, strengthening service skills training, encouraging staff engagement and pursuing appreciation programmes.

Regular staff communications meetings are held to instill the philosophy of “Enhancing the guest experience starts wi th each employee”. In addi t ion, Ngong Ping 360 has incorporated the “Outside-in” and “Touch-point” approaches as the foundation of service skill training to meet guests’ needs. By employing excellent service, Ngong Ping 360 will continue to provide guests with unforgettable journeys.

昂坪360 為香港重要的旅遊景點,包括來往東涌及昂坪的纜 車旅程和集餐飲、購物及消閒於一身的昂坪市集。昂坪360 不時提昇服務質素,豐富賓客的感官旅遊體驗,讓賓客能享 受賓至如歸的旅程。

昂坪360推行以賓客為本的計劃,包括: 優化服務文化、持續 改善設備、增強服務及技能培訓、鼓勵員工積極參與及推行 獎勵計劃,務求為每位賓客締造美好的回憶。為增加員工的 投入感及強化「賓客體驗 - 由員工實現」之服務理念,公司 定期舉辦「員工溝通大會」。此外,又引入「從心出發」與 「賓客接觸點」概念,作為基礎的服務技巧訓練課程,以照 顧賓客的需要。昂坪360 將繼續憑藉優質貼心的服務,為賓 客帶來更多美好難忘的旅程。

My Affection Limited


My Affection was founded in September 2012 with the goal to create a platform for wedding services of the best quality in Hong Kong by providing customers with an unconventional and all-rounded wedding wonderland.

The team closely follows through all the needs of the groom and br ide in the wedding ceremony, al lowing the customers feeling “AFFECTIONATE”, experiencing an “UNIQUE” brand new consumption pattern, and enjoying the heart-felt services with a “MEMORABLE” wedding. Staff are encouraged to serve every customer as buddy with attentive service and to go an extra mile for customers during the service period.

The 25,000 square feet flagship store is decorated like a playground with various studios in different themes, providing customers an affectionate and delightful feeling.

All staff members are fully trained on every work flow of wedding planning, product knowledge and customer service skills. They had to undergo a well-defined staff development pathway so that they were trained with all-rounded knowledge and techniques to provide most heart-felt sweet experience to its customers.

2012 年9 月成立的囍悅,目標是為打造一個全港最具質素 的婚慶服務平台,為顧客提供一個一應俱全打破傳統的婚禮 樂園。囍悅貼心跟進新人在禮婚上的各項所需,使顧客能夠 「感受」到喜悅及體驗一個 「特色」 的嶄新消費模式,享 受窩心的服務並留下美好的「回憶」。

為提供充裕舒適的空間,囍悅把25,000平方呎的旗艦店裝修 設計成多個不同主題的遊樂場景,讓顧客帶著暢遊樂園的心 情去籌備人生大事。囍悅以「企業的生存與發展」去訂立員 工培訓的內容和指標,促使團隊的工作更富有成效、令企業 維持生存和持續正面之發展,以及給予客人由最貼身到最貼 心的婚禮籌辦體驗。

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