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Customer Service Certificate of Merit 顧客服務優異證書

Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Ltd

OK 便利店有限公司

Providing speedy checkout, tidy, clean store environment and friendly service is the core commitment to customers of Circle K. With a strong belief "happy staff serves happy customers", a new customer service initiative - ‘Happy Staff-Happy Customer’ has been launched in 2011.

Different kinds of program were implemented to drive this initiative, including Annual Ser vice Day, annual service training, as well as service and product knowledge competition were held to cultivate the positive service mindset, enhance service skills and create value-added service touch points to the customers. Besides, Staff Care Programs were rolled out to create a harmonious working environment and reinforce staff commitments to the Programme.

OK便利店一向以 "快捷、整潔、友善" 為優質顧客服務指標, 致力為顧客提供卓越的服務。OK便利店深信有開心的員工, 才有開心的顧客,故於2011推出「開心員工,開心顧客」優 質服務計劃。

計劃透過年度大型服務日、年度服務培訓、不同形式的服務 及產品知識比賽,以及不同種類的關心員工的活動,令同事 不論於服務心態,以及服務技巧方面,都有所提升,為顧客 帶來開心的服務觸點及體驗。

Premium Living Limited

Being a member of the Sino Group, Premium Living offers highly specialized property management services aiming to delight its residents and enable them to enjoy a hassle-free, quality and tasteful lifestyle. It provides a comprehensive lifestyle solution around eight aspects of quality living, namely Bespoke Creation, Food for Thought, Hassle-free Lifestyle, On the Move, Feast for the Senses, Get Smart, Body and Soul and Around the World.

By ser v icing from the hear t, l isten and under stand customers’ needs, ‘Premium Living’ strives for quality excel lence and cont inuous improvement to surpass customers’ expectations.

Premium L i v ing是信和集團旗下的尊尚物業管理服務。透過 涵蓋「衣」、「食」、「住」、「行」、「樂」、「活」、 「悠」、「遊」8大範疇的貼心管家服務,品牌尊享禮遇及 時尚品味活動,全面照顧住戶不同需要,為住戶帶來無憂、 優質及有品味的生活體驗。從心服務,了解顧客的需要, Premium Living不斷求進,追求卓越品質,超越顧客的期望。

The Great Eagle Properties Management Company, Limited - Citibank Plaza

鷹君物業管理有限公司 - 花旗銀行廣場

Citibank Plaza – a commercial development managed by The Great Eagle Properties Management Company, Limited – was completed in 1992 and is a modern office complex that comprises two towers and a retail podium. Other than common facilities and service provided in a commercial building, the company also provides its customers with attentive services in a preventive perspective.

The prope r t y management team i s commi t ted to attracting, retaining and motivating great people, as well as engaging them to company’s service motto–“Service with a Smile. Happy Tenants. Happy Team”.

花旗銀行廣場是鷹君物業管理有限公司管理的甲級商廈,竣 工於1992年,由兩座辦公室大樓及基座商場所組成。公司管 理團隊為顧客提供全面及貼心的服務,包括計劃各項緊急措 施,滿足顧客即時的服務需要。管理團隊致力吸引、激勵及 保留每位優秀員工,並鼓勵員工時刻緊守公司的服務信念及 "Service with a Smile. Happy Tenants. Happy Team" 的座右銘。

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