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Introduction of the Award 獎項簡介

The Hong Kong Awards for Industries cover six categories including consumer product design, customer service, equipment and machiner y design, environmental performance, innovation and creativity, productivity and quality, and technological achievement. The Association has been the leading organizer for the award category on “Customer Service” since its inception. Over the years, our category has received keen participation from companies of a diverse portfolio of business sectors, including retailing, banking and finance, catering, property management, telecommunication, travel agencies and various service providers.


Compani es and organi zat ions operat ing in Hong Kong (except departments/agencies of the HKSAR Government) are eligible to enter. The Awards are also open to individual division of a company provided that the principal activity of the division is providing service to consumers.

Par t icipat ing companies should be engaged in ser v ice or iented businesses. The "service" in question should be mainly provided in Hong Kong.

To enable on-site mystery shoppers assessment by the organizer to form part of the judging, participating companies should either have a retail or service outlet, or an external customer service channel where the organizer could perform such mystery assessment.


Participating companies is invited to submit a written Customer Service Proposal which should highlight the company’s customer service related programme(s) and management philosophies in achieving and providing quality service to their customers. For details, please visit the event website: or contact the Association at 2866 8311.

香港工商業獎設有六個組別獎項,包括消費 產品設計、顧客服務、設備及機器設計、創 意、生產力及品質和科技成就,分別由六個 相關行業的機構舉辦。香港零售管理協會 是「顧客服務」組別的主辦機構。 過去數 年,此獎項獲來自多個 不同服務行業的公 司參加角逐,包括零售、金融 及銀行、餐 飲、物業管理、電訊服務、旅行社及不同的 專業服務等。


除政府部門/機構外,在香港經營業務的 企業均符合參賽資格。企業內以服務消 費者為主的部門亦可參賽。


參賽機構必須從事服務行業及在香港擁 有零售店舖、顧客服務中心或對外的客 戶服務渠道,以便主辦機構以神秘顧客 探訪的形式進行評審。


參賽機構必須呈交一份有關顧客服務的計 劃書,其中須重點列明公司對優質顧客服 務的見解,以及如何提升顧客服務的詳 情。詳情可瀏覽 或 致電2866 8311。

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