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Cocktail Party to Celebrate HKRMA Office Expansion

- witnessing an important milestone

協會辦事處擴充落成慶祝酒會 - 共證新里程

Event Highlights

In early 2014, the Association purchased a new floor in its Executive Of f i ce bui lding in order to pave way for fur ther growth and advancement. To celebrate the expansion of the Executive Office, the Association hosted a cocktail party on 4 November, 2014 at the newly refurbished office premises, inviting members, government officials and key stakeholders to witness this important milestone.

On the occasion, Ms. Caroline Mak, JP, Chairman of the Association, remarked that the office expansion had come at a perfect time. With enhanced facilities and space, the Association would be able to uplift its services and organize more activities for our members and fellow retailers including many more SMEs. She also thanked the Board of Directors, Mr. Bankee Kwan, Mr. P. C. Yu, SBS, JP, Mr. Philip Ma, and Mr. Rodney Miles, the Ex-Co and all members for their support.

Over 60 VIP guests and members attended the event. The Association was honoured to have Mr. Gregor y So, GBS, JP, Secretar y for Commerce and Economic Development, Hon. Vincent Fang, SBS, JP, representing the Wholesale & Retail Functional Constituency, the Board of Directors and the Executive Director of the Association, Ms. Ruth Yu, to officiate the ribbon cutting ceremony.

2014年初,協會在現有辦事處原址添置多一層 辦公樓層,為長遠發展奠定更穩固根基。協會並 於2014年11月4日在新落成的辦公室舉辦慶祝酒 會,邀請各會員及持份者蒞臨,共同見證這重要 時刻。

主席麥瑞琼女士, JP在酒會致辭時表示,現時正 是協會擴充辦事處的契機,協會可透過更完善的 設施及寬敞的場地,為會員及中小企零售商提供 更多服務及更多元化的活動。她並藉著當日場合 感謝協會各董事包括關百豪先生、余鵬春先生, SBS, JP、馬景煊先生及文禮士先生,以及各執委 會成員和會員,一直以來對協會的支持。

當日,超過60位嘉賓及會員出席慶祝酒會,見證 協會邁進新里程。 協會亦十分榮幸邀請到商務 及經濟發展局蘇錦樑局長, GBS, JP,以及立法會 批發及零售界功能組別代表方剛議員, SBS, JP蒞 臨,出席酒會並聯同協會全體董事及執行總監余 麗姚女士主持剪綵儀式。

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