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Earn & Learn Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry

- Sharing session for participating companies

零售業「職」學創前路先導計劃 - 參與公司分享會

In partnership with the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Association launched the Earn & Learn Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry (the Scheme) in July 2014, with the first batch of 255 students employed by some 35 retail brands of 15 member companies.

To promote communicat ion among par t icipat ing employer s and VTC teaching staf f, a sharing session was held on 9 Januar y, 2015. Representatives from 30 participating brands attended and shared their observations on the student-workers' performance at the workplace. They also shed light on some best practices in administration and training. Both members and teaching staff of VTC gave high regards to the Scheme and looked forward to further improvements in the coming academic year 2015/2016.

協會與職業訓練局(VTC)於2014年7月起開始 合辦零售業「職」學創前路先導計劃,共接 獲255名學生報讀,分別加入15間公司共35 個零售品牌的工作。

為加強參與公司及VTC教師的溝通合作,協會 於2015年1月9日舉行分享會。 當日共有30 個參與品牌的代表出席,分享學生在職場的 表現,並就如何優化行政及培訓安排給予意 見。 各會員及VTC教師對計劃均予以讚賞, 並認為2015/2016學年的安排將會更完善。

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