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Seminar on "Latest Retail Environment &

FMCG Category Trends in Hong Kong & Macau"


Knowledge Sharing

Mr. Michael Lee, the Vice President of Nielsen, gave an update to our members on the latest retail environment and FMCG category trends in Hong Kong and Macau on 12 November, 2014. Mr. Lee also shed light on how to formulate a winning marketing plan for FMCG for the years to come. About some 50 retailers attended the seminar and exchanged views with counterparts.

協會於2014年11月12日邀請了市場研究公司尼 爾森副總裁李國基先生,向會員分享零售業近況 及港澳快速消費品趨勢,分析如何為快速消費品 制定成功的營銷方案,讓零售業界能掌握市場脈 搏。 當日,約50位同業出席及分享零售業的最 新發展。

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