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To alleviate the manpower shortage problem of the retail industry, the Government sets aside HK$50 million for a Retail Technology Adoption Assistance Scheme for Manpower Demand Management (ReTAAS) in December 2014 with an objective to help eligible retail enterprises to adopt relevant information and communications technology and other technologies that help manage manpower demand in order to enhance their productivity and improve working conditions of workers.

The Association organized a briefing for members about the Scheme in collaboration with Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Secretariat of the Scheme on 7 January, 2015. Attendees were briefed on how relevant information and technologies could help improve their efficiency.

為解決零售業人手短缺,商務及經濟發展 局於2014年12月推出一項總值5千萬元的 「零售業人力需求管理科技應用支援計 劃」,以資助符合資格的零售企業,應用 相關的資訊和通訊科技及其他科技,以減 輕人力需求壓力,提升員工生產力及改善 工作環境。

協會於2015年1月7日聯同此計劃的秘書 處香港生產力促進局舉辦了簡介會,介 紹如何利用科技改善營運流程及提高工 作效率。

Seminar on ReTAAS



All non-listed enterprises registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310) with substantive retail business operations in Hong Kong are eligible to apply, irrespective of their number of outlets.

Funding Amount

Funding will be provided on a matching basis, i.e. the Government will cover a maximum of 50% of the total approved project cost and the enterprise has to contribute no less than 50% of the total project cost in cash. Up to two projects from a single applicant may be approved, subject to the cumulative ceiling of funding support of $50,000.

Project Duration

Any projects which apply technologies that would help the applicant to manage manpower demand in the particular case. A list of typical technologies such as:

- POS System (Point-of-sales System) - Inventory System - Electronic Payment System

- Radio-frequency identification (RFID) System

Any expenses directly related to the project can be funded. Business daily operations cost (eg, the salary for employee, office rent, general administrative and office expenses, etc.), are not eligible for funding.

For more information, please visit the official website: or contact HKPC at 2788 6262.


所有按照《商業登記條例》(第310章)在香港登記,並 在香港有實質零售業務運作的非上市企業,不論其店 舖數量,均符合資格提出資助申請。


資助按對等原則提供,即政府最多資助個別項目總核 准開支的50%,而企業須以現金形式承擔不少於該項 目總核准開支的50%。在基金的申請期內,每間企業 最多可獲資助兩個核准項目,而最高累積資助金額為 港幣五萬元。


核准項目必須與管理零售人力需求有關。其他項目, 例如純粹為企業的業務作宣傳的項目,並不符合申請 資格。合資格的科技必須能夠協助申請企業管理人力 需求。有關科技的常見例子包括:

- 電腦銷售點管理系統 - 庫存管理系統 - 電子付款系統 - 射頻識別系統

與項目直接有關的支出均可獲資助。不會資助的項目 包括企業日常營運的費用(如已聘僱員的薪金、辦公 室租金及一般行政及辦公室開支等)。詳情可參閱有 關的申請指引。

計劃詳情可瀏覽網站www.r e t a a s.h k p c.o r g或致電 2788 6262與生產力局聯絡。

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