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2015 Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability

「卓越零售.持續成就」 2015 零售研討會

Since its launch in 2009, the Retail Conference has developed as a "must go" event for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and decision makers from different retail sectors. Details of 2015 Retail Conference are set out as below:

Morning Session -

Omni-channel Retailing: A Revolutionized Shopping Experience

Omni-channel retailing is a seamless approach to provide enhanced shopping experience to customers. In this session, prominent speakers will examine different aspects of omni-channel retailing and its impact on business, and explore how this trend can provide an unbeatable shopping experience to the customers, while create business opportunities and a brighter future for the retail industry.

Afternoon Session -

In their own words: How business leaders sail through ups & downs in an uncertain world

Hong Kong’s retail industry is entering into a new era. An industry leader must be visionary, decisive and innovative, as well as responsive to changes in the latest unpredictable business climate. In this session, business elites are invited to share their personal story in overcoming obstacles and challenges in the course of their career life, and their winning tips to bring business to a higher level.

協會自2009年首辦「卓越零售.持續成 就」零售研討會以來,每年均吸引商界領 袖、業界精英及決策者參加。2015年零售 研討會詳情如下:

上午環節 -

全渠道零售 – 革新購物體驗

全渠道零售為顧客提供嶄新的無縫購物體 驗。透過這環節,講者將會分析全渠道零售 為行業帶來的影響,以及為顧客提供無懈可 擊的服務之餘,亦為零售業帶來新機遇。

下午環節 -

領袖雋言:如何通過順境逆境的 考驗

香港零售業正步入一個多變的時代。作為行 業領袖,必須高瞻遠矚、當機立斷、勇於創 新;並及時應對難料的營商環境。於下午環 節,多位獨當一面的商界領袖會與大家分享 他們的事業奮鬥史,怎樣克服困境與挑戰; 並分析如何將業務推向高峰。

Date 日期 :20 May 2015 (Wednesday星期三) Time 時間 :10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Venue 地點:Meeting Room S221, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


Call for Registration 現正接受報名

[Tel 2866-8311 / Email:]

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