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SME Retail Talk


Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance

The Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance has come into effect on 19 July, 2013. It prohibits specified unfair trade practices, including false trade descriptions of services, misleading omissions, aggressive commercial practices, bait advertising, bait-and-switch and wrongly accepting payment. In order to give SME retailers a better understanding of the Ordinance, Ms. Cheng Suk Yin, Trade Controls Officer of Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, was invited to give a briefing on 13 November, 2014, highlighting various compliance issues.

《商品說明(不良營商手法) (修訂)條例》

《商品說明(不良營商手法)(修 訂)條例》已於2013年7月19日全面 執行,修訂內容包括就服務及產品作 出虛假說明、誤導性遺漏、具威嚇性 的營業行為、餌誘式廣告宣傳、先誘 後轉售行為,以及不當地接受付款。

為使中小企零售商更深入地了解相關 條例,協會特別於2014年11月13日舉 辦講座,並邀請了香港海關貿易管制 處的貿易管制主任鄭淑燕女士講解條 例內容,避免在不知情下誤觸法例。

Competition Ordinance

The Competition Ordinance is expected to come into ef fect in 2015. A brief ing was held on 12 December, 2014 to update SME retailers on the protection and opportunities to be offered by the Ordinance. Ms. Diana Pang Wai Sum, Competition Affairs Senior Manager of Competition Commission, used different examples to illustrate major types of anti-competitive conduct and their relevance to the SMEs.


《競爭條例》預計於2015年度推行, 為確保中小企零售商能夠清楚認識條 例的內容、保障及機遇,協會於2014 年12月12日舉辦講座,邀請了香港 競爭事務委員會競爭事務高級經理彭 慧深女士,為大家詳細講解條例的重 點,並引用多個例子闡述各種主要的 反競爭行為,以及中小企需要留意的 地方。

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