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Sharing Talk on Enhancing Retailers' Competitiveness cum

SME Excellence Service Award Ceremony

提升競爭力智勝分享會暨「零售中小企 優質服務獎」頒獎典禮

Surging rents, labour shortage and compliance of various ordinances have brought many challenges to retailers recently, especially to SMEs.

The Association invited two business leaders to share their insights with SME retailers on how to enhance their market competitiveness through brand management, proper market positioning and quality service against the demanding business environment.

近年,香港零售商面對店鋪租金上升、人手 短缺及遵從各種條例等各項挑戰。協會特別 邀請了兩位業界翹楚向中小企零售商分享如 何透過品牌管理、正確市場定位與優質服務 來提升競爭力。

Part I: Sharing Talk


Guest Speaker 嘉賓講者:

Dr. Ricky Szeto Wing Fu, General Manager and Executive Director of Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited 司徒永富博士 鴻福堂集團控股有限公司總經理兼執行董事

Mr. Peter Hung, Director of Apple Storage, Tai Yau Storage Group Limited 洪家棋先生 大有倉集團有限公司 - 蘋果迷你倉董事

Part II: SME Excellence Service Award Ceremony - Sharing by Winning Companies


Winning companies will be awarded at the Ceremony, and they will share their experience in providing quality service and their key to success.

當日的頒獎典禮將會嘉許傑出表現者,並邀請得獎企業分享優質服務的經驗 以及成功之道。

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