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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Retail Industry - Kick-off Ceremony


The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism for the Retail industry was unveiled at the kick-off Ceremony held at Citywalk II on 29 November, 2014. The RPL mechanism allows experienced practitioners to obtain formal recognition of their experience, skills and knowledge already acquired under the Qualifications Framework (QF).

Aspiring practitioners can determine their starting points for learning and progression based on the recognized qualification levels. Employers may also formulate training programmes in respect of the competencies and qualification levels attained by their employees to meet organizational needs.

The Ceremony was officiated by Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, Under Secretary for Education, and Ms. Caroline Mak, JP, the Chairman of Retail Industry Training Advisor y Commit tee, with representatives of col laborating organizations. Mr. Henry Yip, Vice-Chairman of the Association, signed the pledge in representation of the Association as a collaborating organization.

At her opening remarks, Ms. Mak highlighted that the RPL recognizes relevant experience attained by employees and can enhance their working skills through lifelong learning, which is to the benefits of both employers and staff. To promote the initiative, the Association would organize briefing seminars for member companies to encourage active participation of their staff.

For further details on RPL, please visit website: or contact RPL Secretariat at 2573 1023.

零售業 「過往資歷認可」 啟動禮於2014年 11月29日假荃新天地2期順利舉行。

「過往資歷認可」機制,讓從業員所具備的 知識、技能和經驗,在資歷架構下獲得正式 確認,讓有志進修的從業員可按本身取得的 資歷級別,制訂進修和晉階的起步點。僱主 亦可以因應僱員所達到的能力及級別,制訂 相應的培訓計劃,以切合機構的需要。

當日由教育局副局長楊潤雄先生, JP、零售業 行業培訓諮詢委員會主席麥瑞琼女士, JP聯同 協作機構代表主持啟動禮。協會副主席葉焯 德先生代表協會即場簽署約章承諾成為協作 機構。

麥瑞琼女士致詞時表示,過往資歷認可機制 對員工的作經驗給予肯定和嘉許,透過持續 進修,員工的技能亦可得到提升,對僱主僱 員均有裨益。 協會將舉辦講座,鼓勵會員公 司積極推動員工參與,共同推進業界的專業 發展。

詳情可瀏覽h t t p://r p l.v t 或致電 2573 1023與「過往資歷認可」秘書處聯絡。

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