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Members' Corner

Welcome to join HKRMA Membership


The Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA), co-founded in 1983 by a group of visionary retailers, undertakes an on-going industry mission and speaks for Hong Kong's retail industry with one voice. Since its inception 31 years ago, the Association has been playing a vital role in addressing a variety of matters concerning direct and immediate interests of retailers, and in promoting the retail industry through recognition awards, education and training. Today, HKRMA is a major retail association in Hong Kong, with a member base of over 7,800 retail outlets representing more than half of the local retail workforce. You are invited to join the Association and promote the long-term development of the retail industry.

香港零售管理協會於1983年由一班高瞻遠矚 的零售商共同創辦,他們肩負著任重道遠的 使命,代表香港零售業發表一致意見。協會 成立31年來,處理眾多對零售商有切身影響 的事宜,亦透過獎項、教育及培訓推廣零售 業。時至今日,協會已成為香港主要的零售 協會,會員公司的零售店舖逾7,800間,會員 公司的僱員數目佔本港總零售僱員逾半。 歡 迎您加入協會,共同促進零售業長遠發展。

會藉 Membership 新會員優惠 New Member Benefits


Full Member

會費 Membership Fee 現金券 Cash Coupon HK$5,900以下 Below HK$5,900


HK$5,900-9,999 HK$600 HK$10,000-19,999 HK$1,000 HK$20,000-29,999 HK$2,000 HK$30,000-40,000 HK$3,000


Associate Member

• 現金券HK$200 HK$200 Cash Coupon

• 於協會每月的電子《零售通訊》宣傳公司業務

Business promotion through HKRMA's monthly e-Newsletter • 協會季刊《零售商》廣告八五折優惠

15% off discount for "Retailers" (HKRMA's quarterly newsletter)


Individual Associate Member

• 現金券HK$200 HK$200 Cash Coupon

• 免費參加個人聯席會員活動一次

Free ticket to join one Individual Associate Member activity

2015 會員推薦計劃 2015 Member-get Member Programme


Incentive for Successful Referral

獲推薦的新會員 Referred new member

現金券 Cash Coupon 會藉 Membership 會費 Fee

公司會員 Full Member

HK$5,900以下 Below HK$5,900


HK$5,900-HK$19,999 HK$1,000

HK$20,000-HK$40,000 HK$2,000

聯席會員 Associate Member HK$3,600 HK$300

個人聯席會員 Individual Associate Member HK$1,000 HK$100

Please visit HKRMA website for more details. 詳細請瀏覽協會網站。

查詢 Enquiry:吳小姐 Ms. Ng 電話 Tel:28668311 電郵

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