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HONG KONG RETAIL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 香港零售管理協會 7/F., First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道33-35號7樓

Tel 電話:2866 8311 Fax 傳真:2866 8380 Website 網址


We confirm our order to place advertisement in the following issue(s) of “RETAILERS”.


Advertising Reservation 廣告預訂 (Please the appropriate box(es))

2015 Spring 春季

2015 Summer 夏季

2015 Fall 秋季

2015 Winter 冬季

Size 版位大小

Amount 價目 (per insert 每個版位) Member 會員 Non-Member 非會員 Back Cover (Colour)

封底 (彩色) HK$ 11,000 HK$ 14,300

Full Page (Colour)

內頁全版 (彩色) HK$ 5,500 HK$ 7,150

Half Page (Colour)

內頁半版 (彩色) HK$ 3,850 HK$ 5,000

Full Page (B/W)

內頁全版 (黑白) HK$ 3,300 HK$ 4,290

Half Page (B/W)

內頁半版 (黑白) HK$ 2,200 HK$ 2,860


Companies which make reservations of advertising space for two, three or four consecutive issues will enjoy a discount of

5% / 10% / 15% respectively.


Payment Method 付款方法

Please send this Order Form and cheque (made payable to the "Hong Kong Retail Management Association") to the Association. 請填妥此表格連同劃線支票(支票抬頭是「香港零售管理協會」)寄給本協會。

Name 姓名: Position 職位:

Company 公司: Email 電郵:

Address 地址:

Tel 電話: Fax 傳真:

Signature 簽署: Date 日期:

"RETAILERS" is a quarterly newsletter of HKRMA. It serves to update member companies and fel low retai lers about news related to the retail industry, and as a platform to exchange ideas on service standards and operational issues.

Today, membership of the Association represents more than 7,800 retail outlets and employing about half of the total retail workforce. Copies of the "RETAILERS" will be sent to all members encompassing virtually all leading retail chain stores in Hong Kong. Complimentary copies are also sent to key government officials and their departments, related associations and members of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Retailers Associations (FAPRA) whose members cover 17 Asian Pacific countries and regions.

Advertisement in the "RETAILERS" allows your company to raise your profile both in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region. Please take action and reserve your booking.

「零售商」是一本由香港零售管理協會所印製的 季刊,刊載了協會和零售業內的最新活動和發展, 內容具參考性,接觸的層面亦非常廣泛。

協會每季都向各會員公司免費派發季刊。 現時協會的 會員公司店舖逾七千八百間,包括各主要百貨公 司、快餐店、超級市場、便利店、專門店、時裝飾物 店、電子及電器店等。 協會亦會將季刊贈閱給各 主要政府部門及官員、有關組織、以及泛亞太區零 售商協會聯盟17個會員。

現誠邀貴公司在季刊中刊登廣告,以擴大貴公司 產品及服務的推廣效益。請勿猶豫,立即填妥廣告 預訂表格寄回本協會。

"Retailers" Advertisement Order Form


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