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List of HKRMA Functions


Policies & Legislation Column


For enrollment and further details, please visit 報名及有關詳情,請瀏覽。

Date 日期 Functions 活動項目

20/5/2015 2015 Retail Conference – Success & Sustainability

「卓越零售 持續成就」2015 零售研討會 14/5/2015 Workshop on "Understand Consumer Behaviour"


28/4/2015 Retail Open Day: Unlocking Management & Financial Achievement to Success

「用人有道 理財有方」零售商開放日

23/4/2015 Workshop on "Build Up and Winning Customer Loyalty"


13/4/2015 2015 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service - Open for Enrollment

2015 香港工商業獎﹕顧客服務 - 公開接受報名 25/3/2015 Seminar on "Online Marketing Strategies for SME Retailers"


25/3/2015 Service & Courtesy Award - 30 th Anniversary Kick Off Event

「傑出服務獎30周年」啟動慶祝活動 9-13/3/2015 Japan Study Tour


5/3/2015 SME Company Visit: 「TSL│謝瑞麟」


3/3/2015 Workshop on "Master Skills in Managing Thorny Customers"


3-5/2015 Mystery Shoppers Programme (54 th Period: March – May 2015)

神秘顧客計劃 (第54期:2015年3月至5月)

26/2/2015 IAM Activity - People Management Series: Successful Mentoring beyond Traditional Framework

個人會員交流活動 - 人才管理系列:跳出傳統框架的成功指導 6/2/2015 Retail Open Day: Exploring Opportunities in Cost-effective Ways

「善用資源 開拓商機」零售商開放日

6/2/2015 Seminar on "Beware of Deception and Counterfeit Currency"


3/2/2015 Workshop on "Master Skills in Handling Customer Complaints"


2/2/2015 SME Retail Excellence Award Presentation Ceremony

「零售中小企 優質服務獎」頒獎典禮

29/1/2015 Briefing on Qualifications Framework - Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

「過往資歷認可機制」簡介會 23/1/2015 Food Traceability Seminar


20/1/2015 Seminar on "How SME Retailers to use Low-cost Technologies to enhance Efficiency and for Resource Saving"


This column is to inform members and readers about the various legislative and industry issues that the Association has reflected its views to the Government or relevant entities.

本欄目是為會員及讀者報道本協會就最近與零售 業息息相關的議題,向政府或有關團體所發表過 的意見。

Association's Views

Please find below a list of issues which the Association has contributed position papers and comments in the last quarter. Details can be found in the HKRMA website:

Expressed trade ' s v iews on Draf t Procedural Guide l ines under Competition Ordinance.

Expressed trade ' s views on Draf t Substant ive Guidel ines under Competition Ordinance.

Submission on public consultation on 2015 Policy Address and 2015-16 Budget.


本協會於上季就下列議題提供意見或建議書,詳細內容 可參閱本協會網站 。

對《競爭條例》草擬指引諮詢文件的程序性草擬指引, 向政府反映意見。

就《競爭條例》草擬指引諮詢文件的實質性草擬指引, 向政府反映意見。

就2015施政報告及2015-16財政預算案公眾諮詢,提供 意見。

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