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Message from Legislative Councillor Functional Constituency Representative for Wholesale & Retail

立法會議員之話 批發及零售界功能組別代表

Hon. Vincent Fang, SBS, JP


2015年在持續了79天的佔領事件終告落幕下 來,儘管零售業的年度大減價已較往年提早展 開,但佔領行動在聖誕這傳統零售旺季前結束, 讓香港的日常生活和經濟活動恢復正常運作,無 論如何也讓我和業界鬆了一口氣,現階段大家都 會將經營目光放在今年來得稍遲的春節,希望能 在歲末收復佔領時期的失地。

不過,正當我們要求特區政府採取措施刺激佔領 事件後的香港經濟,向海內外的遊客宣傳市面已 經恢復正常,購物和美食之都希望遊客繼續來港 旅遊消費之際;統計處公布的11月份零售數字卻 顯示2014年11月的銷貨總值較2013年同期上升 4.1%,較對上一個月,即10月份的銷貨總值更 上升7%。本來,零售業經過10月份的消費放緩 後回穩是好事,惟擔心政府方面認為佔領事件對 香港的零售市道無大影響,而不採取任何推動旅 遊業的措施。

早在佔領事件甫結束,本人即邀請了包括香港零 售管理協會在內的行業代表,就如何復蘇佔領後 香港經濟,尤其旅遊和零售行業,進行交流,部 分業界指出,即使在非佔領區開設有分店,但整 體的銷售表現仍然是下跌或放緩。大部份同業更 擔心2015年,尤其春節旺季之後的生意和現金 流,因俗語說:“一節淡三墟";加上2015年 全球經濟預期會進一步放緩,區內幾個國家如日 本和韓國,正積極推廣旅遊業,在它們更享有匯 率的優勢下,香港的旅遊和零售業今年的表現令 人憂慮,尤其一般的中小企的現金流在第二季會 比較緊張。

因此,業界一致希望政府能夠雙管齊下,制定措 施援助受佔領事件影響的企業,尤其佔領區內的 中小企;二是採取措施復蘇經濟,吸引海內外遊 客來港和刺激內部消費。前者如豁免商業登記、 提供電費和差餉補貼等;後者則是希望特區政府 積極透過所有駐外機構,在海內外宣傳香港市面 已經恢復正常。並建議參考近年最熱門的旅遊城 市首爾,向遊客提供乘車優惠和購物折扣等。

The curtain finally came down on the Occupy Movement after dragging on for 79 days. With the end of the Occupy Movement before the start of the peak holiday shopping season, the retail trade was able to breathe a sigh of relief and the annual Christmas festive sales also started earlier in 2014. Our focus has now turned to the Chinese New Year which will come slightly late this year and it is our hope that the loss of business during the Occupy Movement would somehow be made up for. As we call upon the Government to take steps to stimulate the retail market and to promote Hong Kong more aggressively overseas by sending clear messages to visitors that business is back to normal with the best service and gourmet on offer, the Census & Statistics Department announced that the November retail numbers were up 4.1% against a year ago. The increase versus the previous month was even stronger at 7%. It was good to see the retail trade stabilising after the decline in October but we are worried that the Government might take a complacent attitude having seen the positive figures and refrain from taking steps to help our trade.

I have invited representatives from stakeholders including the Retail Management Association to a discussion after the end of the Occupy Movement to brainstorm on ideas that could help boost the business and economy of Hong Kong. Some of the participants revealed that even though their retail outlets were located outside the Occupy districts, their business were also adversely affected during the Occupy months. The majority of the trade were concerned about the post Chinese New Year period when business is usually slow and cash flow becomes tight. The situation would be aggravated by the global economic slowdown and Hong Kong is also facing the challenge from Japan and Korea which are benefiting from the depreciation of their currencies to lure tourists to their countries. These are factors causing jittery amongst the retail trade, especially those small to medium sized merchants.

Therefore the wholesale and retai l sec tor s are hoping that the Government could undertake a two-pronged approach by mapping policies that could benefit those who have suffered during the Occupy Movement in particular the small to medium enterprises; and secondly to take actions to stimulate the local economy and strengthen overseas promotion for Hong Kong. Policy steps that should be considered include waiving the business registration fees, providing subsidies for electricity bills and rebates for Government rates. As for the promotion of Hong Kong, there was a lot we can learn from what the Korean Government has done for the capital city, Seoul such as of fering discounts on transport and shopping to all visitors.

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