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為紓緩市民和商戶在春節後現金流一般較緊張的情 況,有業界要求政府將每年4、5月就要繳交的暫 繳稅日期延遲3至6個月。亦有建議政府參考台灣在 2008年金融海嘯後發行刺激內需的「消費券」;或 再次由業界自行出版當年相當成功的零售業折扣券 等建議,目的是要刺激內部消費。

在行政長官剛公佈的2015年施政報告中,暫未見任 何相關措施推出,這是可以理解的,因政府在佔領 事件結束後即進行政制改革第二輪諮詢,又要積極 回應社會上累積的置業難等民怨,和回應積極參與 佔領行動的年輕人的訴求。現時,我們只能期望將 於2月25日宣佈的財政預算案,能夠為大家帶來驚 喜。現階段,據我了解,特區政府將會對旅遊發展 局增加一次性撥款,以加強在海內外的宣傳推廣, 希望吸引遊客重臨。

不過,任何政府行為都只能是短期措施,香港若要 重振購物和美食天堂、好客之都的美譽,實有賴行 業本身,包括增加貨品種類、貨真價實和提供優良 的服務等,尤其是前段時間零售業受到內地自遊行 的帶動迅速擴張,市面上商戶難免良莠不齊,在一 定程度上損害香港零售業的聲譽。因此,希望香港 零售管理協會能夠積極宣傳香港整體零售行業的可 靠性,不斷提高服務的質素,恢復遊客的信心。

“乙未"羊年將屆,羊是溫馴的動物,性格既合 群,又擁有堅韌的耐力;這正正是香港人的特性。 大部分香港人一直以來為香港的繁榮、改善生活環 境、爭取更佳的表現和合理的回報而努力,每次遇 上困難的境況,由當年中英前途談判以至幾次的國 際金融動盪,或禽流感、沙士疫症等衝擊時,香港 往往都能上下一心,共同努力度過困難時期。事實 更證明,每次困境之後,香港都迎來更好的經濟復 蘇。所以,我相信,即使2015年的經濟步入放緩 期,香港仍然能安然渡過風浪。

最後,謹在此向香港零售管理協會各會員和同業拜 年,祝賀各同業羊年每天都“喜氣洋洋",生意就 “三陽開泰",身體健康。

In order to give the trade some relief on cash flow during and after the Chinese New Year holidays, it has been suggested that the Government should allow the trade to defer the payment of the provisional tax by three to six months. Another suggestion from the trade was to issue “spending vouchers” which was implemented after the 2008 financial tsunami or discount vouchers issued by the trade. The Chief Executive’s Policy Address this year did not include any new policy initiatives to aid our trade but this was understandable as the Government was embarking on the 2 nd phase of public consultation on political reforms and has to respond to public sentiment on the difficulties of home ownership as well as the demands of the younger generation expressed during the Occupy movement. We can only wish that the Government would bring us some happy surprises on 25 February when the Budget is due to be announced. According to my understanding, the Government will set aside a one-off amount to fund the Hong Kong Tourism Board to enhance overseas promotion of our city as the preferred tourist’s destination.

However, the Government can only put in place short term policy measures. If we were to revitalise Hong Kong as a shopping and gourmet paradise with excellent service, we have to look upon ourselves to increase the varieties of goods, to offer value for money service and to re-build the damaged reputation of some of our retailers. It is hoped that the Retail Management Association could take active steps to raise the standard of our service sector as this is essential to revive confidence amongst visitors.

The Year of the Goat wi l l soon be upon us. Goats are amiable animals, have herding characteristics and will band together in large groups. They are also strong and persistent. These are traits we can find amongst people in Hong Kong. Many of us have worked hard to improve our living standard and will not be deterred by hardships and adverse environment. We have weathered turmoils large and small over the years including the Sino British negotiations on Hong Kong’s future, the Bird’s Flu, the SARS epidemic and the financial tsunami. Each time, we managed to stand together and live through the tough times. History has shown that Hong Kong was able to revive and recover from every major downturn. I therefore believe that even if we enter into an economic slowdown this year, we will still be able to overcome the adversity.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish members of the Retail Management Association a most prosperous Year of the Goat and good health!

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