Individual Associate Membership Fee is HK$1,000 per annual. Membership is valid from 1 January to 31 December every year. Application for 1-year membership (apply in January to June), the member will be required to pay the annual fee HK$1,000. Application for 18-month membership (apply in July to December), the member will be required to pay 1.5 years of the annual fee HK$1,500.
個人聯席會員會籍年費為港幣 1,000 元,會籍期限為每年的 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日。申請⼀年會籍 (於⼀月至六月期間遞交申請),申請入會的公司須按照上述入會費用繳付⼀年年度會費。申請⼀年半會籍 (於七月至十二月期間遞交申請) ,申請入會的公司須按照上述入會費用繳付⼀年半年度會費。
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I hereby apply for Individual Associate Membership of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association and if accepted, agree to abide by the rules and “Code of Practice” of the Association. I understand that the Executive Committee may refuse to accept any application for membership and is not bound to state the reason for so doing. *