17 May, 2019
9:30am - 5:30pm
Main Venue
New Wing, HKCEC,
Room N101
Room N201
Please use Chrome as the browser for the online enrollment if you found the fills of no. of applicant could not be added.

* Field must fill 必須填寫
Company Information
Contact Person
Numeric character only. 只接受數字。
Ticket Fee
Scroll the table right to see more info
Ticket Fee 門票費用
Early Bird / Bundle Offer Deadline 早鳥 / 套票優惠至: 8 May, 2020
Types of Ticket
Member 會員 Non Member 非會員
Original Fee
Early Bird Fee
Original Fee
Early Bird Fee
AM / PM Session 上午 / 下午環節
1 - 4 Tickets |
1 - 4 張
$550 $495 $630 $570
5 Tickets or above |
5 張或以上
$500 $450 $560 $510
Full-day Conference 全日峰會
1 - 4 Tickets |
1 - 4 張
$970 $875 $1,080 $980
5 Tickets or above |
5 張或以上
$860 $780 $970 $880
Special Bundle 優惠套票
Full Members Special Bundle 公司會員優惠套票
(10 Full-day Tickets 全日峰會票)
$7,500 -
Associate Members Special Bundle 公司聯席會員優惠套票
(10 Full-day Tickets 全日峰會票 + 2 VIP Room Pass 貴賓房通行證)
$8,000 -
Number of Participants
Number of Participants 參加人數 *
Participant 參加者 1
Numeric character only. 只接受數字。
A valid email address is needed to get QR-code for registration.
Types of Ticket 門劵類別
AM Session
PM Session
Full-day Conference
Full Members Special Bundle 公司會員優惠套票 (10 Full-day Tickets 全日峰會票)
Associate Members Special Bundle 公司聯席會員優惠套票 (10 Full-day Tickets 全日峰會票 + 2 VIP Room Pass 貴賓房通行證)
Terms & Conditions
  1. 活動名額有限,以先到先得方式安排,如未能成功報名者,本會將個別通知有關人士。
    Due to limited seats, enrollment will be made on a first-come-first-served basis. Acknowledgement email will be sent to the contact person after the online enrollment is made. In case of unsuccessful enrollment, HKRMA will notify the contact person individually.
  2. 如反應踴躍, 購買15張以上門票之報名將被列入後補名單,由協會作另行通知。
  3. 費用須於截止報名日期前繳交,否則報名無效。
  4. 報名一經接納,本會將於活動舉行日期前2個工作天,向成功申請人士發出電郵確認書。
    Confirmation is subject to payment in full. Confirmation email will be sent to the successful applicant at least 2 working days before the event.
  5. 報名一經接納,概不退款。
    No refund for cancellation.
  6. 如欲將參加名額轉讓予他人,必須於活動前3個工作天以書面通知協會。
    Substitution of applicant is allowed and applicable to Full Member & Associate Member only. Written notifications should be sent to the HKRMA at least 3 working days before the event.
  7. 如活動當日上午7時或以後仍然懸掛八號颱風信號或以上,全日活動 (9:30am-6:00pm) 及上午活動 (9:30am-1:00 pm)將會取消。當日下午1時或以後仍然懸掛八號颱風信號或以上,下午活動 (2:30pm-6:00pm)將會取消。
    If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted at or after 7:00am, the full-day event (9:30am-6:00pm) and morning event (9:30am-1:00pm) will be cancelled. If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted at or after 1:00pm, afternoon event will be cancelled. HKRMA reserves the final right to cancel or reschedule the event.
  8. 如活動被取消,協會將視乎情況而決定是否另行舉辦,並保留一切最終決定權。協會有權拒絕任何申請、取消或更改活動安排,並保留一切最終決定權。
    HKRMA reserves the final right to reject any application, cancel or change the event arrangement.
Data Privacy Statement and Declaration
私隠條例 及 聲明

The information collected from your company will be used for purpose of processing your company's application. Please note that it is mandatory for your company to provide all the data. If your company does not provide such data, the Association will not be able to process the application. The Association intends to use all your company's data for direct marketing; the data will be used for listing on membership directory, distributing circulars, publications, research materials, market information; direct marketing of the annual events, conferences, seminars, briefings, meetings, awards programmes, training programmes, and services of the Association; and direct marketing of activities similar to the Association's above activities which are organized by the Association's business partners. The Association shall not so use the data unless with your company's consent. Your company has the right to request access to and correction of information held by us about your company. If your company wishes to access or correct the data, please contact us by writing to Ms. Ng at our address, by email ( or by fax (2866 8380).

本 協會收集的 貴公司資料將用作處理上述活動申請。請注意 貴公司必須提供所有資料,以便本會處理有關申請。本會將會使用貴公司所提供的公司資料在直接促銷的用途上,包括協會的通告、刊物、研究資料、市場資訊;推廣協會的周年活動、研討會、會議、簡報會、獎項計劃、培訓計劃及服務,以及協會的合作夥伴所舉辦的同類活動。本會只在取得 貴公司的同意後才會使用有關資料。貴公司有權要求查閱或更正公司的資料,請書面以郵寄、電郵 ( 或傳真 (2866 8380) 方式與本會職員吳小姐聯絡。

以上人士是否明白及同意以下私隠條例及聲明,並同意協會使用以上的個人資料作各項用途 *