HKRMA Annual Report 2015 - page 17

The Hon.
Eddie Ng Hak Kim, SBS, JP
Secretary for Education
The Hon.
Lai Tung Kwok, SBS, IDSM, JP
Secretary for Security
On behalf of the Education Bureau, I am very thankful
for the continuous support of the Hong Kong Retail
Management Association (HKRMA) on the Qualifications
Ever since the establishment of the Retail Industry
Training Advisory Committee, HKRMA members have
been actively participating in its activities and providing
professional advice particularly on the development
of Specification of Competency Standards (SCS)
for the retail industry. The Retail industry launched
a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism in
December 2014 to enable practitioners to receive
formal recognition of the knowledge, skills and
experience acquired at the workplace. I appreciate
HKRMA’s service as a collaborating organization for the
RPL mechanism, which will benefit both the employers
and employees.
I wish HKRMA continued success in future endeavors,
and the Education Bureau looks forward to forging an
even closer partnership with the Association.
Eddie Ng Hak-kim
Secretary for Education
Congratulatory Message
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