Retailers - Winter 2016 - page 39

Information is provided by The Nielsen Company.
January 2017
Here are the messages you get from time to time: GDP growth is at lower rate, the retail sales is decreasing, and the
number of mainland Chinese tourists to HongKong declines. However, we see there are quite a few opportunities
in 2017: consumer confidence is up in 2016 Q3, HongKong consumers are on readiness to "invest" on discretionary
spending... So, how to turn the headwinds into opportunities and to capture these opportunities will be the key of
your winning in 2017.
Growth Opportunity One: Hongkong Consumers!
7.4 million HongKong consumers contribute a stable value growth in essential goods with premium needs. Looking forward,
we all need to prepare for the huge potential growth opportunities: Millennials and The Silvers! Wanna to know more about
these "new age" consumers and what they will buy? To get more:
Growth Opportunity Two: Mainland Tourists
For 42.8 million mainland tourists, HongKong offers the total package, from luxury brand to good quality products and food
with no language barrier. For those Mainland tourists who are not just for shopping, they are attracted by HongKong food
and culture and will spend 10% more than those who visit HongKong just for shopping. What are these tourists interested in
and how to marketing to them? To know more:
Growth Opportunity Three: Cross Border Ecommerce
It is not surprising that aged 20-29 are the key online consumers, however, aged 30-49 are the big spenders online with over
HK$11200 in average person last year! So how to leverage this opportunities to create another new high of your business
from cross border ecommerce? To see more:
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